Page 19 of Hurts So Good

“Run along. We haven’t got all day.”

“Yes, Art.”

I could barely place one foot in front of the other as I walked to the washroom. When I came out, after drinking several cups of much needed water, I saw the truck driver. He was leaning against a mailbox looking at me in a way that made me feel strange inside. A kind of predatory smile, amused, hungry. He knew. He had watched my spanking. I walked quickly away, ignoring him, feeling his eyes burn into my back, knowing he was watching my wriggling ass, remembering it taking Art’s belt. I ran back to the car. Art smiled at me in a way I hadn’t seen him smile before.

“Things are going to be a bit different from now on, sweetheart.”

My ass tingled and burned as I sat down.

“Yes,” I agreed, and with a little jolt, I realized that I didn’t miss New Jersey at all.


Teresa Joseph

The twenty-three-year-old woman might never have been a real member of the Guide’s Association, but standing there in her smart, old-fashioned uniform as she gave the Guide’s salute, she literally trembled with anticipation as the troop leader sat down and crossed her long, smooth legs.

Since the day her first girlfriend had pulled her across her knee and smacked her naked bottom, Natalie Burrows had been so obsessed with corporal punishment that she’d barely been able to think straight.

From dressing up as a sexy little schoolgirl to paying Mistress Raven £100 an hour to punish her firm young cheeks, the gorgeous blonde had done everything in her power to satisfy her fetish. And so when one of the doms at a BDSM fetish nightclub told Natalie about a lesbian CP society that parodied the Girl Guides, the desperate woman became so excited that she joined the next day.

After three years of playing the stern headmistress for sexy young lesbians like Natalie, Michelle Redding had struck upon the idea of forming a lesbian Guide Troop three years earlier whilst driving though the New Forest.

“Sitting around the campfire, toasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya…” She’d sighed dreamily. “Getting the girls to make switches and paddles out of the surrounding trees and branches, then beating each of their gorgeous bottoms until they’re all toasted as well.”

And a few days later, having bought all the uniforms and equipment she would need on eBay, the Guider had initiated her first twelve members, and the spanking had begun.

No matter how many women might have joined the troop over the last few years, however, Michele was always more than willing to accept a new member. And as Natalie changed into her new uniform and recited the Guide’s pledge, the troop leader grinned with anticipation as she waited to punish her rump.

“I promise to do my best, to serve the Queen, and do my duty to God,” recited the dutiful initiate, desperate to feel the woman’s hand against her rump. And then hitching the skirt of her uniform up around her waist, Natalie slipped her knickers down as she lay across her lap.

“Are you ready to earn your first merit badge?” teased the Guider as she lovingly caressed Natalie’s naked bottom.

“Yes, Madam,” whimpered Natalie as she began licking her lips. And as the Guider gently warmed her buttocks with the flat of her hand, her whole body began to tingle with desire as the pussy juice poured from her slit.

After a few gentle taps across the bottom to help set the mood, however, Natalie panted with lust as the real punishment began.

It was absolutely relentless.

With a smooth, even rhythm that would put a metronome to shame, the Guider firmly smacked each new member’s cheeks in turn. And although it didn’t seem to hurt at first, as the smacks began to multiply, turning her warm, blushing bottom a gorgeous shade of pink, Natalie winced and whimpered with discomfort.

“Do you still want to join my troop?” asked the Guider as she shifted into second gear, doubling the speed and ferocity of Natalie’s punishment whilst savoring her gasps of pain.

“Yes, Madam!” cried Natalie, struggling to resist the urge to cover her flaming rump. “I want to be a Guide! I want to be a good girl and do my duty to…God !”

But no matter how much she might have longed to let the Guider spank her rump, it wasn’t long before self-preservation forced her to cover herself, and the Guider had to pin her arms up behind her back.

She panted desperately. “Oh God! Please! Jesus Christ!”

But the Guider wasn’t deterred.

“Are you praying, darling?” she laughed mischievously, never stopping or slowing down for a single moment as the bright red handprints began to form across the new girl’s rump. And as she shifted Natalie’s punishment into third gear, the poor girl started howling uncontrollably as the pain spread across her naked cheeks.

Right on schedule, the sexy blonde initiate started kicking and struggling as the tears streamed down her face. But no matter how much she might have screamed or pleaded, Natalie’s pussy was still tingling with pleasure, and she never really wanted it to stop.

After ten long minutes of agonizing punishment, every inch of Natalie’s bottom was a deep, blazing crimson, and her beautiful face had turned the same color as the tears streamed down her cheeks. But as the Guider picked up her round leather paddle and put it to good use, it wasn’t long before the initiate’s bottom was as purple as could be.

The helpless woman begged for mercy as Miss Redding furiously paddled each of her buttocks in turn, the smooth round leather becoming red-hot as it smacked her naked cheeks.