Page 15 of Hurts So Good

Phillip drew a long breath. He opened his mouth to apologize, but the strange gleam in her eye made him hesitate. In the dim, cold light of the walk-in, her hard attractiveness, drenched in anger, grew staggering. As she planted her nude legs apart, his hardness began to throb. He rested his hands in front of his crotch.

She gripped his chin in her talon hand. “No two ways about it, you need to be punished.”

Phillip’s heart fluttered. He gulped a breath. Liz watched his face closely. Her hand began to release.

“Uh, yes—mistress?”

She nodded and stiffly slapped his cheek. “Stand up.”

Phillip complied. She sat on the box and took his Michelob. She took a long drink while she untied his apron with the other hand. The apron fell to the cold floor. She stroked the large bulge at the front of his jeans. Phillip’s hands instinctively moved toward his crotch.

“Hands on your head!”

He felt that familiar flight instinct. First big load of dishes, first overloaded order wheel, first time in the front kitchen alone. He looked at the door, then at Liz’s demanding expression. She pulled his belt and pinched his knees between her bare thighs. Her strong hand settled on the front of his pants. He laced his fingers atop his head as she groped him, squeezing his hard cock firmly.

“Unhitch your pants.”

Phillip hesitated, and she swatted his butt hard. “Now!” He unbuckled his belt. He paused and she swatted him again. The pain was startling. He unbuttoned his pants and they fell to his ankles.

“Step out.” Another pause. A sharp, snapping slap on his chilling, bare butt. He stepped from his jeans and shoes. She tugged the bottom of his shirt. He obediently took it off, continually looking toward the walk-in door. She snapped his butt again. “Stop looking at that goddamned door! Bend over my knee!”

Phillip felt his mouth go slack and his eyes widen.

“Now, goddamn it!”

He leaned over and his hard rod slid between her dark thighs. Liz waited for a torturous moment. She smoothed his butt sensually. When he relaxed slightly, she snapped one cheek. He let out a yelp as she continued, spanking from cheek to cheek. “Don’t you fucking ever, EVER—”

The walk-in door wheezed. Wendy stood at the slightly opened door.

“I told you to watch the goddamned floor!” Liz’s eyes were wild.

“I––I––” Wendy started to back away.

“Wait, get in here.”

Wendy stepped inside gingerly and let the door close. She folded her arms tight beneath her full breasts, then pushed her hands into her apron. She hesitated and then stretched her arms down her hips, back to beneath her breasts, all the while trying not to acknowledge the spectacle of Phillip’s nude body over Liz’s lap. Her eyes finally settled on him a few times, widening and lingering on each forbidden glance. A smile began to appear, though she seemed to be fighting it. She rolled her hips to one side.

“Take off your pantyhose and panties. Punishment without reward is pointless,” Liz said to Wendy.

Tentatively, Wendy stepped from her pumps and reached up her short skirt. She peeled down her black nylons and bright red panties. An open-mouthed smile crossed her face. “Now lie on the floor,” Liz commanded Phillip.

Phillip followed orders like a soldier taking a hill. The cold floor felt exquisite on his smoldering butt. Liz straddled his hips and motioned toward his face as if offering a seat on a bus. Wendy’s shook her head in a soft “no,” but it lacked conviction.

“Time for us to be rewarded.”

“Oh please, please yes,” Phillip whispered.

Liz took his cock in her hand and slid it under her dress. She squeezed him as she slowly drew down. Wendy took one last look at the door and slowly approached. Her stretching Cheshire smile was the last thing Phillip saw as her pussy eclipsed her face. She crushed tight to him. He kissed her folds, curled his tongue around her clit, and then traced her slim lips. Her soft moans of approval urged him to push his tongue as deep as he could, and she gave a yelp. Her juices flowed down his face.

Liz milked Phillip’s stiffness. The two women’s hands roamed his upper body. Ascending moans preceded the soft, wet pop of the women’s deepening kisses. Phillip’s hands took in the texture of their uniforms and then stroked their bare legs. His hand bumped Wendy’s at the base of Liz’s breast, and he caressed both. His other hand slid up Wendy’s dress and beneath Liz’s palm, which squeezed Wendy’s hip. The six hands circled like bumper cars in triangular ravishes.

The women’s knees squeezed Phillip breathless. The sound of their moans grew as first Liz’s then Wendy’s orgasms released, and stole his last tiny ounce of restraint. He lifted Liz’s slim body high in the air, then continued to shudder into Liz until she collapsed to his drained, splayed body.

Wendy’s hips pounded violently before she draped across Liz’s hard back.

The three lay like stacked bodies smoldering on a winter battlefield. Finally Liz blurted. “Oh shit, we better get back out to the floor!”

“Where you been?” Nancy rushed toward the order wheel. She had seated five tables and was taking the orders as quickly as she could.