Page 4 of Never Say Never

I handed the wireless device over, relieved to surrender responsibility. But Hal surprised me. He clicked. On-screen, the camera zoomed in—right on that stranger’s crotch, and the pillar of his cock, and the hollow of Stacia’s cheeks and the bounce of her dark curls as she bobbed up and down on that beautiful, beautiful length. We’d invested in a fairly expensive security system, with a decent zoom and good definition. I could see his skin glisten with the wetness of her mouth.


“Just checking,” he said, in his softest, darkest, I’m-going-to-fuck-you voice. Even as I tried to catch up with his meaning, his next words made the world spin around me: “I was right—she’s not as good as you.” I jumped slightly, and he added with audible relish, “You’d be able to take something that size all the way. Right down your throat.”

Now that’s flattery.

He backed it up by laying his hand on my thigh. I’d been in the middle of getting dressed for dinner and was only wearing panties and a silk slip. His hand felt warm on my bare skin. There was something so deliberate about that hand, that touch. It took our inadvertent transgression, and it made it intentional. And oh, the response of my body was undeniable. I felt a hot plume of excitement surge through me and I licked my lips, unable to avoid picturing exactly what he’d described: that huge cock nudging to the back of my mouth, and my throat opening to take it.

“It’s just practice,” I said. “She’ll get better at it.”

“Yeah, I guess so. She’s quite enthusiastic, don’t you think?”

“Uh-huh.” She certainly was—licking and slurping away there like it was the first ice-cream cone of summer. Then she hefted his scrotum out from his open pants and soon she was playing with his balls too, tickling and rolling them. I couldn’t see her boyfriend’s face, but if he wasn’t in heaven by now he must be dead from the waist down. I have to say that, judging from the girth and solidity of his cock, he seemed to be appreciating everything.

Hal’s hand slid up my inner thigh and pressed against my mons, making me catch my breath.

Then suddenly Stacia’s head disappeared out of camera shot, and we were left with the young man’s sprawled torso, his open legs and his erect dick, which he grabbed hastily and squeezed in compensation for those lost lips. It really was magnificent. It made his hand look small and almost girlish. I sucked my lower lip.

Quickly Hal adjusted the zoom again, pulling out for a wider shot. We saw Stacia push her jeans and panties down to bare a round and ample bottom, then wriggle out of the garment.

“Hal,” I said, uncertainly. “We really shouldn’t be watching this.”

“Probably not,” he said, his voice a little hoarse.

“I mean, it’s…sort of dirty, isn’t it?”

In answer, he took my hand and laid it on the towel draping his lap. Beneath the thick cotton pile, his own member reared a proud head against the weight of my palm. “Dirty?” he asked, wrapping my fingers around that bulge, as Stacia stood up on the sofa. Her ass was as round as a full moon.

“Wrong,” I whispered, rubbing my hand over the heave of his erection. I can’t resist that impetuous hardness. My own response is Pavlovian. Trying to cover up for the secret seep of moisture into my silks, I added, “Really, really wrong.”

Shifting around to face me, Hal pushed his fingers between my thighs and, through the thin material of my lingerie, discovered my secret. “Yes,” he growled, pressing the damp cloth into me, then stroking his thumb over the jut of my clit; “Completely inexcusable.” His breath was hot on my ear. “You’re a very, very naughty girl.”

On-screen, Stacia pushed her guy’s head back to rest on the sofa-back and straddled him, hooking one knee up on the upholstery over his shoulder.

“Me?” I protested plaintively.

He pressed his face to my hair, his lips soft against the whorls of my ear. “What are they doing?” he murmured. “What are you watching now?”

“She’s…um… She’s sitting on his face. Oh… She’s getting him to lick her.”

Still stroking me, Hal turned his head a little so that he could cast one eye on the screen and share my view. At the top of the screen: her bare ass, full and round and smooth. At the bottom of the screen: his cock pointing up like a rocket at her full moon, his hand sliding slowly up and down its thick shaft, priming for liftoff. We both watched as Stacia undulated her hips, settling herself deeper over the young man’s mouth, her bumcheeks quivering.

“She seems to know what she’s doing,” I whispered, pushing aside the flap of towel and taking my husband’s erect cock in my own eager grasp. He was as hard today as he had been on our honeymoon, years ago.

“Oh…yes.” I’m not sure if Hal was approving Stacia’s actions or mine.

“And he seems to be pretty good at…that.” I was basing my judgment on the way her bumcheeks were quivering and undulating as his mouth worked at her. We could just make out the bob of his Adam’s apple in the shadow under her open thighs. “That’s good in a young guy, don’t you think?”

“He’s…doing okay, I’d say.” Hal’s voice was gruff. “I mean, he’s certainly giving it some effort. Licking that pussy.” He pressed his fingers into my yielding flesh as if it were my pussy he was referring to. In fact I could almost imagine that it was the young man’s tongue I could feel down there. We were enjoying their bodies visually, across hundreds of miles of ocean—so why not feel their pleasure remotely too? I squeezed and stroked Hal’s cock in time with the hand working the on-screen member, imagining it was the hot velvet length of that unknown young man that I had hold of.

“She has a beautiful ass.” My soft, polite words did justice neither to the voluptuous bottom we were ogling, nor the hot and filthy thrills coursing through my most intimate flesh. I felt as if I were melting onto Hal’s hand.

“Uh-huh,” was all he managed to say, but I didn’t doubt his sincerity.

“And that’s a lovely big cock.” I didn’t know why I felt the need to keep talking, except that it gave me a sense of distance. As long as I kept analyzing what happened on-screen, it felt like I wasn’t helpless. “Do you think this is their first time?”
