It takestwo hours to answer a million questions, get the babies trapped, and bury the carcass of the mother so she doesn’t draw in other unwanted visitors.

By the time I get back to the house to return to some admin work in my office, Millie is just pulling in with the kids.

“I have to get glasses,” Holly announces as she bounces out of my sister’s car and runs over toward me.“Are the kids at school gonna call meFour Eyes?”

“Only if they’re idiots,” I reply and kiss her on the cheek.

“I helped her pick them out.She’s going to be gorgeous in them.”Millie smiles at both kids as they hurry inside.

It’s a cold spring day today, so we trudge up the steps behind them.

“Rem, we need to talk.”

“Hold on.”I hold up a finger and find the kids in the family room, already settling in to play their game.“Are you guys good in here for a little bit?I want to chat with Aunt Millie.”

“We’re good,” Johnny assures me.“We had McDonald’s for breakfast on the way home.We got there just in time, before they switched to lunch.”

“Grandma already fed you breakfast.”

My son just smiles slyly at me.

“Right.Okay, we’ll be done shortly.”

I walk into my office and close the French doors behind me.

“Okay, what’s wrong?Are you in trouble?”

Millie frowns.“Huh?No, why?What did you hear?It wasn’t my fault.The stupid tourists were being assholes, and I just?—”

She breaks off and tilts her head to the side.

“That’s not what you meant, is it?”

“No, but now I want to know about the asshole tourists.”

She laughs and shakes her head.“It’s no big deal.I’m not in trouble, Rem.That’s not why I wanted to talk to you.”


“Your kids miss you.”

“Sorry, what?”

“Look, I’ve never been one to tell you how to raise your kids.Hell, Iwasa kid when Johnny was born, and you’re a great dad.You really are.But your responsibilities here at the ranch arehugenow, Rem.You bought ten thousand more acres to the west last year, which means more work.Dad decided that since the ranch is now bringing in seven figures every year in profit, he could retire, which is awesome for him, but that means way more work for you because now you’re in charge.”

“Thanks for the recap.”

“You have alotgoing on, and yeah, Mom helps out with the kids a ton, but even she can only do so much.I asked the kids today what you’ve done for spring break, and Holly said she’s hardly seen you all week because you’re gone before they get up in the morning, and you get home at dinnertime.”

“Like you said, I’m running a business here, Mill.”

“But you have kids, and this was their spring break, and they spent it playing video games and helping Mom in the yard.I’m not telling you this to make you feel guilty.”

“Yeah, well, youaremaking me feel guilty.”I rub a hand over the ache in my chest.“Shit, Millie, I’m doing the best I can.”

“I think you need a nanny,” she announces.

“How will hiring someone else to be with my kids actually givememore time with my kids?”