Page 65 of Pity Party

“Having dinner with you?” I guess.

“I’ll pick you up at six.” With that, he gathers some papers on his desk before walking us all out. Once we reach the elevator, he keeps going, leaving me alone with Sammy and Jamie.

Sammy is so excited she’s vibrating. “Regan and Cameron are really cool, Melissa. They’re nothing like the girls in Chicago. I mean, they’re nice and it doesn’t feel like they’re looking for something to make fun of me about.”

“Friendship is defined by mutual caring,” I tell her. “Not by trying to make each other feel bad.”

“I think Regan and Cameron are going to be good friends,” she says excitedly.

Jamie doesn’t say anything. Instead, he lets his daughter chatter away about her budding social life.

When the elevator gets to the lobby, Sammy says, “We’re going to get lunch. Do you want to join us?” I’d love to spend more time with her, but I’d rather swim with sharks in chum-filled water than be subjected to Jamie.

“I already ate,” I tell her. “But you go ahead and make sure to call me tomorrow and let me know how your day goes.”

Sammy gives me another hug. “Thanks, Melissa. You’ll always be my bestie.”

As I turn to walk toward the exit, I notice Jamie staring at me in a very confusing manner. He looks both questioning and angry.Ugh. Here we go again. What’s his problem?

I don’t bother asking. Instead, I walk out of the club and head toward the parking lot. When I get into my car, I turn on the ignition and call Anna. “I just had my second date with Tim.”


“I can see why you and Chris like the club so much.”

“It’s great, isn’t it? I’m surprised you don’t go more with your mom and Howard.”

“Ah, but then I’d have to spend more time with my mom and Howard …”

“I see your point.” She laughs. “Well then, I’ll just have to invite you more often.”

“Yes, please,” I tell her. “You’ll never guess who I saw while I was here.”

“Jamie and Sammy?”

“How did you know that?”

“Jamie told me he was on his way to join when I called to tell him that his offer on the house has been accepted.”

“He didn’t mention he got the house.” I don’t know why, but that makes me mad. I was there when he showed the house to Sammy. Plus, I showed him the hidden tunnel. Then it hits me—that might be why he didn’t tell me. He doesn’t want to think about our time in the tunnel. “Tim kissed me,” I announce.

“Was it amazing?”

“It was nice,” I tell her. “It wasn’t some wild passionate thing, but it was fine.”

“Do not undersell fine,” she says. “You can build on that.”

I kind of wish I’d told Anna that I’d kissed Jamie, but I don’t want her trying to push the two of us together. Especially as Jamie has made it abundantly clear that he wants nothing to do with me. Unless it involves his daughter. Then he seems perfectly happy to have me around.

“Tim says he wants us both to date other people until we become exclusive.Ifwe become exclusive.”

“The Midwestern Matchmaker does not support that kind of behavior,” she’s quick to tell me. “She says you need to fully engage with one person before you can know if love will grow. Dating multiple people at one time is too confusing.”

“Tim seems pretty certain that’s the way he wants to proceed.”

“Are you going to date other guys?”

“That’s not normally how I operate.”