Page 59 of Pity Party

“Would you like to sit down?” Jamie motions to a lounger next to him.

“No need.” I point to a nearby table. “I’ll just wait there.”Good night, Jamie. Maybe put a shirt on or something?I avert my eyes from his ridiculously distracting body

“Sammy will be back from the snack bar in a minute, and she’d love to see you.”

Tentatively moving toward the vacant chair next to him, I say, “Listen, Jamie, you’ve made it clear you don’t want anything to do with me, so let’s not pretend.”

“All I’m doing is asking you to sit down, not to run away with me.”

“Fine, I’ll sit down.”But I won’t say anything, and you can’t make me.I’m tempted to stick my tongue out at him.

Once I’m situated, he says, “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”

I grunt in response.

“Are you a member of the club?”


After several moments of awkward silence, he says, “Elk Lake is a great town.”

“Mmm.” I’m not about to make anything about this easy for him.

“Melissa …”

While continuing to look forward, I lazily look at him out of the corner of my eye. “What?”

“You can sit somewhere else if you want to.”

I make a move to stand up when Sammy comes running over. “Melissa! Your date is here at the country club?” She hops from foot to foot on the hot pavement.

Before I can answer her, Jamie asks, “Where are your shoes?” She motions to her chair before perching on the edge of mine to let the bottoms of her feet cool off.

Turning her full attention to me, she asks, “Where’s Tim?”

“He had a call to make. He should be back soon,” I tell her.

“Dad and I joined the club today. Maybe you and I can come here to swim together some time.”

My heart hurts for Sammy. While I would love to go swimming with her, I’m guessing she’d much rather be with friends her own age. “Have you met any other kids yet?”

She shakes her head before leaning in and pointing. “I think there are some girls my age over there, but I don’t have the guts to go over and talk to them.”

I scan the area to see who she’s talking about. “Maybe we should come here together, and we can bring Paige. She’d know who’s your age and she’d even be able to introduce you.”

Sammy’s posture perks up. “Is that okay, Dad? Can I bring Melissa and Paige to the pool? How about Sunday?”

“It’s fine by me …” he starts to say, but I cut him off.

“You don’t have to come along. I can pick Sammy up.”

“I don’t have any plans on Sunday. I’d be happy to come.” Great, I’ve just inadvertently made plans with Jamie, again.

Sammy whispers, “Two of the girls just got up and they’re walking inside.”

I stand up quickly. “Let’s go after them.” The look of panic on Sammy’s face has me adding, “We don’t have to talk to them but if the opportunity arises, what would it hurt?”

“I’ll come, too.” Jamie moves to stand up.