Page 67 of Marek

My arms circle around his neck and I press my mouth to his, kissing him with such ferocity he can’t help but return it. Someone behind us claps, and the receptionist makes a happy noise. Pulling back, I look at him. “You took me, now you have to keep me.”

“Fuck,” he mutters again.

I grin. “Yeah, I know.”

Then, he takes me to his room.

Have I finally won?

RUNNING MY FINGERSdown Marek’s wet chest, the warm water cascades over me, making the cold feeling in my bones disappear. We’re in the shower, and he still hasn’t said a word to me since we came into this room. I know he’s fighting, against everything he knows, and it’s killing him. He wants to push me away because that’s easier than facing the fact that he might care, just a little.

“This will hurt you,” he murmurs, curling a finger under my chin and tipping my head back. “I’m not prince charming, I have done fucking horrible things to women, to people, and one day, you’re goin’ to wish you never met me.”

“I know what you’ve done,” I say, reaching up to grip his wrist, “but I also know there is good in you. I’m not asking you to change, I know the world you live in is dangerous and that’s who you are, but you don’t have to be a monster. That’s a choice.”

“It’s who I am.”

“No, it’s who youthinkyou are. To the bad people, you can be that person, but to the good ones, you don’t have to be. That’swhy I’m here, to lead you down the right road. Don’t worry,” I grin. “I’m a good teacher.”


“You’ve said that a lot,” I chuckle, reaching down to curl my fingers around his cock. “Maybe we can think about something else.”

“I’ll ruin your life, Ellie Mae.”

I pull him closer by squeezing his dick and making him hiss with pleasure. “You already have, and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. That show, it was life changing. We can do spectacular things.”

He grumbles, low in his throat.

“You’ll get over it,” I whisper, stroking up and down. “I’m sure I can make you forget why you don’t want me here...”

“I fucking want you here, that’s the problem.”

My heart swells.

“Then can’t we just leave it at that?”

He grunts. “That was incredible.”

“It was,” I agree. “That means it will continue to be incredible. I told you it would work; I think it’s time you learn to trust me. We can make something amazing.”

“Hmmm,” he growls.

I reach up, pushing a strand of soaking wet hair from his face. “Are we going to talk about our feelings all night, or are you going to fuck me?”

His jaw clenches. “Fuck.”

I giggle.

I guess there really is nothing else to say.

Marek lifts me up so my legs curl around his waist, and then he lowers me down onto his cock, filling me slowly, steadily. I moan, pressing my lips to his, the water cascading over us. He turns, pressing my back to the wall, and then he fucks me.

Only this time, it’s a little slower, a little deeper, a little...gentler.

I wouldn’t dare say it, but it feels as if he’s making love to me.

The way his cock drags in and out of my pussy, the way his mouth moves over mine, soft and deep, or the way his hands grip my flesh, as if he never wants to let me go. Marek doesn’t say a lot, but right now, I can feel so much that he’s never allowed me to feel before. He might not say it, but he’sshowingme.