Page 61 of Marek

Marek takes a step forward and the man raises the gun, slamming it over my head. I cry out, pain shooting through my skull as my world spins. Blood trickles down my temple and if it weren’t for the man holding on to me, I would fall to the ground. My cries echo through the frosty night, but nobody can do anything to help me.

“Enough,” Marek barks. “What do you want?”

“An eye for an eye, Marek. You know how it works. I want you to watch her die, so you know how it feels.”

“Your brother made his choice. He knew what would happen. She is innocent.”

I try to focus on Marek, but blood is pouring down over my eyes, burning. I can do nothing because if I move, I’m afraid it’llbe the last time I do. The man behind me swipes the blood from my vision and then moves his hand from my waist to my jaw where he grips it tightly, pushing my head back into his chest.

The cold gun doesn’t move from my temple.

“Look at him,” he whispers in my ear. “I think he’s a little scared. Is there anything you want to say to him before I end this?”

“Please don’t,” I croak. “Please.”

“Begging won’t get you anywhere, child. Now, look at him.”

My eyes move to Marek’s and blood runs down, mixing with my tears as I make a croaky, sobbing sound. There is something in his gaze, so terrified and broken, and for just a second, I forget where I am. Just a second. It looks as though he’s telling me how sorry he is with his expression, only it’s a little too late.

“You’re running out of time, girl. Say what you want. Make it worth it for me when I end you.”

I release a pained cry as my eyes hold Marek’s, and I can’t help but ask the question that swims around in my mind daily.

“Did any of it matter?” I sob, my bottom lip trembling.

Marek’s look is so pained, it hurts to keep my eyes on him, but I do.

“Yes,” he grinds out.

“Aw, how sweet,” the man behind me laughs. “Did you want me to count it down, or...”

“Let her go,” Marek orders. “If you kill her, I’ll come after you, I won’t stop until every last one of you is in the ground. I’ll make you scream until the last breath leaves your body. I will start a war that you can’t win.”

The man laughs. “I’m sure you will, but it’ll be worth it to watch your face when she dies.”

“Please,” I try again, my voice barely a croak.


The man presses the gun to my head so hard my skin burns.


I close my eyes, an agonized wail leaving my lips as I bellow Marek’s name.

His angry roar fills my ears.


A gunshot rings out, then I’m on the ground.

My screams fill the night.

It takes me a moment to realize that I’m still breathing.

That nothing hurts.

Is this what death feels like?