Page 56 of Marek

He tells me about his life, and how hard they had it growing up, and how he was on a dark road until he decided to change. He got a corporate job and is now doing well for himself, livingon the East Coast in a big, beautiful house. He seems confident and eager to tell his tale, unlike his brother.

We’re soon reminded that our hour is up by Fred, who is glaring at Aleksander as he mutters that it’s time to go.

“I shouldn’t be out too long anyway,” I say, placing my napkin down and standing, “the show will be huge tomorrow night, it has already sold out being free. I need to make sure it’s perfect.”

“I’m eagerly awaiting it,” Aleksander smiles as he escorts me out.

We chat the entire ride back to the lot, and I barely notice the commotion when we get out of the car. There is a heap of men around, some outside, some inside, and there is a whole heap of yelling and what sounds like gunshots. My eyes widen as I leap out of the car, but Fred is quick to stop me from running inside as he scans the area, before calling one of the guards over.

“What’s going on in there?” He asks, not releasing me.

“Marek is having it off with a dealer who fucked him over. The dealer brought backup, which we all know was a bad fucking idea. She shouldnotgo in there.”

He nods his head at me, as my eyes widen.

“There was a gunshot!” I cry out, trying to pull my arm from Fred’s grip.

“It ain’t none of your concern, girl. Back to your caravan.”

I glance at Aleksander, who is watching the commotion coming from the large tent at the back. A few of the men lingering outside don’t look as though they’re too thrilled about going in, not when Marek’s men are standing at the entrance with guns. They stay back, as they should.

“I’ll take her,” Aleksander offers, finally looking at me. “Doesn’t seem safe.”

Fred hands me over, clearly too distracted by the shouting happening in the tent. Is Marek going to get hurt? What are they doing in there?

A man's shrill scream pierces the air and I flinch, pressing a hand to my chest as I stare in horror and confusion. “What is happening in there?” I cry out.

“Come on,” Aleksander urges. “It’s not safe.”

He pulls me around to where the caravans are lined up, and most of them are closed, which means the girls have been sent back to them. Outside the tent where the commotion is happening, there isn’t a soul to be seen. I unlock my caravan, hands trembling, and step inside. Aleksander follows me, closing and locking the door, before moving the curtain from one of the small windows and staring out.

“Do you think he’s okay?” I ask, rubbing my hands together.

“Marek is fine, he’s the one causing all the screaming, not the one makin’ it.”

Oh, God!

I sit on the edge of the bed, waiting, wondering, unable to think about anything but what’s going on in that tent.

“I should go over there,” I say, pushing to my feet. “Someone might be hurt.”

“No,” Aleksander takes my arm, his tone firm. “I don’t mean to sound awful, Ellie, but no. Trust me when I say you’ll see things you will never be able to erase from your mind. Just let it be.”

Stomach sick, I sit back down.

What kind of things?

Does he mean I’ll see the real Marek?

The true monster?


Pounding on my caravan door jerks me from my position on the bed, where I have been staring at nothing for hours. My conversation with Aleksander has been sparse, but he hasn’t left me alone, and I’m grateful to him for that. He moves before I do, walking to the door and swinging it open. I can see who it is clearly, and when I take him in, I gasp.

Marek stands, covered in blood.

His fists are balled by his sides, bloodied and bruised, and I can’t tell if the blood on his face or slick in his hair is from him or someone else. He looks utterly terrifying as he stares up at me, his blue eyes stark amongst the coppery blood.