Page 44 of Marek

Bonnie takes Western’s arm, and he steps back.

“Inside,” Marek orders.

Well, this should be interesting.


The meeting goes about as well as I expected it to.

The bikers barked at Marek, Marek barked at the bikers, I got involved, and after a lot of convincing, I had them see that I want to be here. I then showed them the changes we have made. I know as well as anyone else that Marek is a bad man and this isn’t the only issue the club has with him, but, right now, it’s the only issue I’m worried about. Whatever else they have going on they can deal with it another time.

Bonnie was less than pleased with having to do another article, but I practically begged her. I told her I am making changes for the better, and I like where the show is going. I want it to be amazing, and I think if it is, Marek will have little time to focus on anything else. She liked that idea, mostly to keep him away from the club, so she begrudgingly agreed.

The bikers left, but the girls decided to stay and have a couple of drinks with me.

I am surprised they managed to convince them to let them stay, but I’m so glad they did.

That didn’t stop Western threatening Marek within an inch of his life if Bonnie didn’t return home in one piece.

Marek, who very much does not like being threatened, then told Western that if he wants to come in here and order him around then he would see just how fucking bad he could be.

Nobody wants that.

So, we managed to keep that fight from breaking out and now I’m sitting outside around a small fire pit with the girls, enjoying the fact that for the first time in a while, I don’t feel likea prisoner. Marek no doubt has eyes on me, but I’m grateful for the chance to be here with them.

“I have to know,” Acacia says, sipping the vodka we managed to get off one of the guys that live here, “how did you get Marek to do what you wanted?”

I shrug, sipping the drink. “He is seemingly obsessed with my talent, and I figured that out early on, so I used it. Eventually, he caved and agreed to let me do it my way if I stayed with him.”

“Marek isn’t the type of man to give in to anyone, he must have a soft spot for you,” Alexis murmurs, raising her brows.

I flush, taking another sip of my drink.

“Oh, wait a damned second,” Bonnie cries out, pressing a hand over her mouth. “He has a soft spot for you because he’s been all up in your soft spot.”

I gasp, and laughter escapes my throat. “Bonnie!”

“Well, has he?” she pushes, grinning.

“A few times,” I admit, “but trust me, it’s not because he cares, it’s because he likes control.”

“She’s right.” Acacia nods. “Every time I ever came here to ask for something, Marek would take me. It’s how he works.”

Wait ... Marek and Acacia have been together?

I’m shocked, completely taken back by her confession.

I don’t know what it is, or even why, but a feeling of jealousy rushes over me, so heavily I’m forced to look down at my hands so nobody can see my face. It shouldn’t matter to me; the fact is, Marek has been with a lot of women, so why does it seem to bother me that he was with Acacia?

Is it purely the rejection he showed me earlier?

Unknowing that she is causing a reaction, Acacia goes on, “He was insatiable. Sometimes, he didn’t even require sex, he would just bring me to orgasm over and over again until he was satisfied. He rules with sex, no doubt about it.”

My cheeks burn.

How stupid I feel right now.

All this time, Marek has been fucking me to keep me in line.