Spinning around, I see Marek standing at the door, shirtless. He is wearing a pair of faded dark jeans and he looks like he’s been working, a fine sheen of sweat coats his perfect body. Iwant him, so fucking bad. I don’t know why he is refusing to fuck me, but I am done waiting. If I’m going to stay here and make this show incredible, then the least he can do is repay me.
Pushing to my feet, I walk over to him and I know my expression is lusty.
The moment I reach him, my finger trails out and hooks in his jeans.
He stiffens and takes a step back, forcing me to release him.
That hurts.
Shockingly so.
Rejection is a mean bitch.
“Not now,” he mutters, walking past me.
I don’t know what to make of him turning me down, but I know it burns. My cheeks feel as though they’ve been lit on fire and my chest aches as I rush out of the RV, ashamed and embarrassed that he just turned me down. I feel pathetic, and mostly, like a damned fool.
Rushing out of the tent, I run straight into Bonnie and Alexis, plus another girl and two bikers.
I didn’t expect them yet but seeing them brings a burst of joy.
Alexis throws her arms around me before I can say or do anything.
I hug her back, so glad I get the chance to see her again.
“You’re okay,” she pulls back, putting her hands on my face and studying me.
“I’m okay,” I answer her, even though I know I don’t look it.
“I was so worried. I thought you were gone and we’d never see you again. I will get you out of here, I won’t leave you this time.”
“It’s okay,” I say to her, my voice soft. “I want to be here.”
She looks shocked by this, and I know it’ll take a lot of convincing but I’m certain I can get her to see the changes I’ve made. Bonnie steps forward, hugging me even though we’re notoverly familiar with one another. I can’t help but smile, unable to do anything but when these girls are around.
They introduce me to Acacia, who apparently knows Marek, and then the two bikers they’re with, Western and Fury.
They’re fine.
There is no other way of putting it.
Those two bikers are sex on legs and my god, it’s hard to look away.
When they visibly stiffen, I know it’s because Marek has appeared behind me. I know, from the basic amounts the girls have told me, that he and the club do not see eye to eye. However, for me, they’ve agreed to this meeting. Judging by the tension though, one wrong move will have everything blowing up.
“Long time no see,” Marek murmurs, and when he steps up beside me, I see he’s looking at Acacia.
“Not long enough,” she smiles sweetly, “wonderful to see you, Marek.”
Her sarcasm is strong.
Marek is standing scarily close to me, as if he thinks they’re going to just snatch me up and run.
“Tell your guard dog to stand down,” Western growls, “we’ve got business.”
Marek gives him a look and the two men have a stare off that makes my skin prickle.
“Can we do this without bloodshed,” I say. “Please?”