And I’m not complaining.
We fuck, oh, do we fuck.
We tangle ourselves in the blanket on the ground, and he is in me so deep, all I can feel is the warm liquid of his release comingout with every thrust. I’m wet, so fucking wet, and I don’t mind a single bit. Only when my body can’t take it anymore, does he finally release me. The ache between my legs is delicious, but I know I can’t possibly accept him again tonight.
Besides, the storm is getting worse and it’s proving to be harder and harder to do anything but sit it out.
So, sit it out we do.
For a while, that’s in silence.
Marek sits beside me, basically squashing me against the wall so I don’t fall.
It’s slightly heroic, but I’d never say that to him.
I know it’s taking a lot of effort for him to hold me here, so I don’t slide around as the ship tips aggressively from side to side.
He ordered me to sleep, but there is no sleeping in this.
Eventually, we move to a small cupboard in the hall. It’s just big enough for us both to get in, and Marek tosses everything out of it, laying down the blanket so we can sit. It’s musty in here, and dark as hell, but we’re no longer being thrown from side to side.
“Please, talk to me,” I say, as everything becomes terrifyingly real. “And before you tell me you don’t talk, or to shut up, or whatever it is you’re going to throw out, just know that we’re alone here and not a single person is going to hear a word you say.”
We’re not safe in here, but somehow, having him here makes it so much better.
He’s silent for a moment, then he asks, “What exactly were you planning on doing here?”
If only he could see the sheepish expression on my face. “I don’t know. I was going to sail this ship away.”
“Do you have any idea where we are?”
I press my lips together for a minute, before muttering, “No.”
“I’ll give it to you, Ellie Mae, you’re the most determined woman I’ve ever met.”
“Yes, well, I am certainly head strong.”
“What is it you want from me?”
His question stumps me. I’m not entirely sure what it is I want – but I do know I don’t want to go overseas. I want to go home. My family might hate me, and I might change my career, but I don’t want to just disappear and never speak to them again.
“I don’t want to go to Russia, or any other country. I want to go home. But, I want to dance for you. Properly.”
“You ruined that chance when your friend released that article. How do you suppose I go back and bring my show to life once more.”
I’ve thought of this.
It could be a stupid idea, or it could be smart. I guess I’m about to find out.
“We get Bonnie to release another article, retracting what was said. We say the cages were for a performance, and then we hold a free show so people can come and see. We have the cages come down from the ceiling, and the girls dancing in a way that will make people absolutely stunned. Then, we keep going with the show.”
He’s quiet, and I wonder if my idea is so incredibly stupid he’s about to yell at me, or worse, tell me I’m a prisoner for life.
“You think that will be enough to stop the world from coming after me,” he mutters.
“It wasn’t the world; it was a town. And yes, I think it’ll be enough to change the way they are thinking. I think eventually, they’ll forget it. We travel, we create a name, a better name, and we make it incredible.”