Frantically, I put everything back in place, keeping the gun and finding somewhere to stash it in this kitchen. While I’m doing that, I gather a small bag of food and water for myself, and find an old storage cupboard, putting it in there with the gun, just in case I need to do a quick escape. Knowing I have a weapon has my heart racing with a desperation I haven’t felt yet. It’s a need for freedom.
I continue packing food for the bunker, wondering how I’m going to get onto this ship without any of them noticing.
Could I tell them I’m going back to shore, put all the food on the boat, but never get on? It is hectic out there, people going back and forth. If Marek thinks I’m in the bunker, he might not look for me on the ship and all I have to do is hide until it’s too late for them to come back, then ride out the storm here, praying the ship doesn’t flip over. If I manage to make it out alive, I’ll wait until the storm calms down enough for me to cut the ropes and get out of here.
My mind spins with my plan as I carry my bags out to the deck, to load onto the boat. Passing a room, I pause when shouting voices capture my attention. Narrowing my eyes, I place my bags onto the ground and step closer to the door when I recognize one of the voices as Mareks. He’s bellowing at someone, and when I hear what they’re talking about, my eyes widen.
“Who the fuck do you think you are, Barry? You need to stand down.”
Marek’s voice is wildly angry, his tone terrifying.
“She’s a problem for us. I don’t know why you’re keeping her alive. Put her in with the other girls, or get rid of her. She doesn’t deserve special treatment because you’re thinking with your dick, boss. She is just a fucking girl. End her.”
My heart stutters, when I realize they’re talking about me.
“Her talent is what is going to save this fucking show,” Marek grinds out, “do not come in here and bark orders at me, you know I won’t tolerate it.”
“Been by your side for years. Respect the fuck out of you. But you’re making a mistake with her. She’s talented, but there is a fucking million other talented women out there. The show was just fine before her.”
A scuffling sound fills my ears, before a loud grunt sounds out. “That was until I had to pack up and fucking leave. This is my life’s work. How do you suppose I get it back up and running without her?”
“Fuck,” Barry gasps, clearly Marek is doing something that is restricting his airflow. “You don’t need that show. We can operate without it.”
“That show is how we fucking operate, and you know it.”
“You’re powerful enough without it,” Barry gasps. “Just let it go, boss.”
A thumping sound, then I hear Barry growl loudly before barking, “Fuck. You’re so wrapped up in her you can’t see what this is doing to you. It’ll fuck you, boss. If that’s what you want, go right ahead, but I’m not waiting around...”
A gunshot.
Loud and piercing.
I stumble backwards, hand pressing against my chest as I stare in pure shock. Did Marek just shoot him?
Frantically reaching for the bags, I rush out of the hall and up to the deck. By the time I place the bags down, my hands are trembling and I’m trying very hard to slow my heart down. Is that how easily Marek disposes of people who don’t agree with him? Is he really willing to kill them, to keep me alive?
“Load the boat.”
A harsh voice has me jerking, and then quickly picking up the bags and reaching over the side, placing them in the boat they have raised up flush with the ship. It is full of supplies, and a few boxes which I’m certain contain weapons, drugs and lord knows what else.
“Get on.”
The man who ordered me to load the boat, is now telling me to get on. There are people piling in, and I wonder if this is my chance. I nod, acting as though I’m walking towards it. The moment he turns his back to order someone else to do a job, I disappear behind a large pole, praying he doesn’t notice I’m not on there. It’s raining heavier now, and the ship is starting to rock.
I don’t move a muscle as they begin lowering that boat.
“Time to go boss,” I hear someone yell through the rapidly increasing rain.
“Where is she?”
Marek’s booming voice fills my eyes and I close my eyes, praying. Just praying.
“On the boat that just got lowered. She got the supplies. Have you got everything you need?”
He thinks I’m on the boat.
I could scream, I’m so happy, but I don’t say a damn word. I press myself against the large pole, hoping that nobody will notice me. “