Page 26 of A Strict School

“And what, precisely, is so amusing, girl?”

Storm turns around to find Headmistress Lotte giving her a stern look. Lotte is an imposing figure in her own right, and surprisingly stealthy for her age. It’s all the thick, traditional fabrics she likes to wear that make her seem severe and larger than life. Being confronted by this woman is like coming face to face with someone who just stepped out of one of the more depressing Dickens novels, which is saying a lot because they are all utterly miserable.

The smile very quickly fades from Storm’s face as she replies haltingly.

“I, uh, I don’t know.”

Frau Lotte nods curtly. “You will report to my office later today with Miss Strict. I intend to see you firmly dealt with to my satisfaction.”

Storm feels the blood draining from her face. She knew she was going to be in trouble sometime today, but not with the headmistress present.

“Your office?”

“Yes. I will see that justice and proper punishment is done. I am not satisfied that previous discipline enacted by Miss Strict has been suitable for a girl of your rebellious temperament.”

Behind the door, Penelope’s howls have turned to gasps and whimpers.

“Kind of sounds like she knows what she is doing,” Storm says gesturing toward the closed door.

“I am certain Miss Strict is up to the task of disciplining a thin-skinned girl like MissFortunum-Smyth. You are a different creature completely and require different handling.”

“You make me sound like an animal.”

“If the shoe fits, or perhaps in your case, the fur,” Ms Lotte says, without a hint of jest. “I will see you later. I do not think you will be laughing then. Now, run along to class, and no further. Security is now aware of you and your inclinations. You will not get far if you try to escape again.”

That sounds like a challenge to Storm.


Storm has no intention of being punished in front of the headmistress again. It may not be widely known by anyone outside the confines of her own skull, but being spanked in front of Frau Lotte the first time was a major catalyst for running away to Basel.

It is one thing for Jane to see her in a state of distress. It feels like Jane has earned the privilege in some way. When she is in trouble with Miss Strict, it is something that happens between the two of them. But the headmistress is nothing but an unwanted, unworthy authority figure. Her presence riles Storm in general, and particularly when she is in any kind of a vulnerable state.

Running away is beginning to feel a little overdone, but having been told she cannot do it, she of course has to do it immediately.


No sooner has the headmistress dismissed her, than Storm sets about leaving the chateau. First, she goes back to her room and changes into sneakers. Then she adds shorts under the dress. She feels better immediately.

Clad in more appropriate attire for roaming and such, Storm walks out the side door. She does not see anybody, not a student, not a teacher, and absolutely not a guard.

“And where do you think you are going?”

Storm turns around to see Hannes standing a few meters away, just having come around the side of the chateau. He is a large man, and probably imposing to many, but he just seems like a big dumb obstacle to Storm.

“None of your business, Lurch.”

He won’t get the reference, but she doesn’t care.

“Go back inside. You are restricted to the chateau until Frau Lotte says otherwise.”


“Yes,” he says.

“Well,” Storm replies. “I guess you’re going to have to catch me then, huh?”

Hannes is momentarily perplexed. “I have already caught you…”