Page 42 of Boss's Mate

“Oh, Kayla, it's beautiful!” Katrina exclaimed, leaning forward in her seat to look at it more closely.

“You look gorgeous!”

“Thank you,” Kayla said, laughing through her tears.

“Oh, sweetie, why are you crying?” Melinda asked. The pretty she-wolf with her short-cropped mousy-brown hair bounced up from the couch and came to her, rubbing her arms.

“I…I just wish Sarah were here to see it,” Kayla admitted. She had been holding it all in for far too long, pretending even to Lance that she was okay with Sarah avoiding her at all costs. But it had been almost two months since they had last spoken, and with only one more until the wedding, she feared they might never speak again.

“Oh, Kayla, forget about her!” Katrina insisted, coming to stand before them both. “If she were really your best friend, she would have been here for you. Save for your wedding day, this is perhaps the biggest day of your life.”

Kayla laughed at that. Sarah would most definitely have agreed, and Kayla would have told them that was a bit of an exaggeration before Melinda would have insisted that she agreed with them both. They'd have all laughed together and insisted upon another glass of champagne before encouraging her to purchase the dress she was wearing.

The hole in Kayla's heart grew just a little larger at the thought. “I can't blame her for not being here. I…I am marrying her father.”

Both Katrina and Melinda cocked their heads to the side.

“If she were really your friend, she'd have forgiven you months ago,” Melinda said, twirling a curl of Kayla's blonde hair around her finger. “She'd have seen just how happy you have made each other and she'd have forgiven you. I certainly would have.”

“None of you have any idea what you are talking about.”

The gruff voice that sounded close by the front door of the boutique made all of them jump. Even Delilah looked surprised.

Kayla had been so absorbed in her own feelings that she hadn't even heard the bell above the door jingling as it was opened. Clearly, the others hadn't either.

What kind of werewolves are we?Kayla thought, scolding herself, but the moment she turned to see Sarah standing by the door, arms crossed over her chest, her mind went blank.

“Sarah? What are you doing here?” she gasped. Immediately after realizing how that must have sounded, she blurted, “I mean, I am glad to see you. Of course I am, but what are you doing here?”

Sarah cocked her head on one side, glowered at Katrina and Melinda for a second, and then turned to Kayla with a smile. “You didn't very well think I'd miss the most important day of your life, did you?”

“But I…I thought you…” Kayla couldn't bring herself to say the words out loud, that she believed her friend hated her, for fear it might remind Sarah of the fact.

Sarah glanced at the floor, kicked the carpet with the toe of her boot and asked, “Can we talk in private for a second?”

“Sure, of course. You guys don't mind, do you?” Kayla asked, turning to Delilah and the others.

“Of course not! Take as much time as you need,” Delilah insisted. She then turned to the others and added, “Ladies, if you'd like to join me upstairs in my flat, I have something a little stronger than champagne?”

Kayla chuckled as the three women hurried off at the suggestion of a good time. If she had been human, she mighthave been pissed at the idea of a boutique owner suggesting they go and get drunk. As a werewolf, she knew that was next to impossible.

She waited until they had gone through to the back of the shop before she turned back to Sarah.

Her friend crossed the room to stand only a few meters away as she said, “You really do look beautiful.”

Embarrassed, Kayla looked down at herself. “Thanks. I…I think this might be the one.”

When she looked up again, she was surprised to see there were tears in Sarah's eyes. “I think so, too.”

“Does that mean you approve of the wedding?” Kayla asked hesitantly. Sarah pursed her lips. Kayla braced herself for whatever her friend was about to throw at her.

“Don't get me wrong. I'm still not happy about how all of this started, but even I can't fight the word of fate,” Sarah said, and she closed the distance between them. Kayla was surprised when she gripped hold of her hands. “The girls were right about one thing. I have noticed how happy the two of you make each other.”

“Then do you think we can ever be friends again?” Kayla asked. Next to marrying her fated mate, it was the only thing in the world that she wanted.

“I think we can manage that, so long as you can promise me one thing,” Sarah said, but before Kayla could ask what she added, “Actually, two things.”

“Anything!” Kayla promised, excitement fizzing in her stomach. “Anything at all! You know I'd do anything for you.”