Page 36 of Boss's Mate

I'll have to vet newcomers more closely,he decided. It was, after all, his job to keep all of Silverdale safe. Of course, that was the job of every member of the pack, but his especially, along with his son and Jake Silverdale. He would have to fill them both in at some point.

In fact, there were a lot of explanations to be made soon. None of them he really looked forward to, but when Kayla nuzzled into his chest, he realized she was most definitely worth it.

Chapter 19 - Kayla

The bedroom was lit only by the pale light of the moon that filtered through the window when Kayla finally awakened. Her head was resting upon something warm, something that moved gradually up and down. And it was with a little surprise she realized she could hear a heartbeat beneath her ear.

How did I get here?she thought, sitting bolt upright to look down at Lance lying beside her. He stirred immediately, eyes opening to look up at her in surprise.

She watched the relief wash over his face the moment he laid eyes upon her. “You're awake.”

“I am,” Kayla said, nodding. She pursed her lips, feeling a little awkward. “What happened?”

She was all too aware of Lance's nakedness. Though a strategically placed blanket covered his manhood, the rest of his glorious body was on full show. Only the fact that she was still fully clothed gave her any reassurance that she hadn't done something wonderful without even realizing it.

“What do you remember?” Lance asked, leaning up on his elbow.

Kayla rubbed her temples. She had one killer headache.

“It's difficult to remember much of anything with my head feeling like it's going to explode,” Kayla admitted.

“That would be the blood loss,” Lance said rather gruffly. His tone suggested that he was most definitely not happy about the fact.

It was his words that brought the memories flooding back.

“I…I came back from the infirmary because Sarah threw a fit,” she said, closing her eyes tightly. She couldn't bear to see the look on Lance's face at the mention of his daughter's name. “I had barely walked in the door when Stan attacked me.”

Instinctively, her hand flew to her throat. The still-wet and sticky wound she felt there was a terrible reminder of the knife she'd had at her throat.

“He…he put a knife to my throat and told me that if he couldn't have me then nobody could,” Kayla said, her throat tightening as she spoke until she almost couldn't get the final words out.

Lance gripped hold of her hand and pulled it close to his lips. He kissed the back of her hand and whispered, “It's okay. You're safe now.”

Kayla gulped. She didn't feel entirely safe, not with Lance lying naked before her. But that wasn't entirely a bad thing, either.

“I…I remember Darius barging down the door in wolf form and pinning Stan to the wall,” Kayla said, voicing her memories in order to try and remember further. And when the next memory hit, she cried, “Great wolf god, is Darius okay?”

She remembered all too well the sickening crunch she had heard as he had been thrown against the wall.

“I think he'll be licking his pride for a little while, but he's a werewolf, he'll be fine,” Lance assured her, patting her gently on the knee. The warmth of his hand on her legs made her skin tingle.

Her eyes widened when she remembered what he had done, “You fought Stan off. How…how did you fight him off likethat? I know your wolf is huge, but he's a lion, for wolf god's sake!”

At that, Lance laughed. The smirk that spread across his face warmed Kayla's heart in a way that made her want to grab his face and kiss him. She barely managed to refrain from doing so.

“You'd be surprised what a wolf can do when they are trying to protect someone they care about,” Lance said, finally pushing himself into a sitting position. Laying his hand on her cheek, he caressed her skin with the ball of his thumb. “I'd do the same thing a thousand times over for you.”

“He could have killed you!” Kayla protested.

“But he didn't,” Lance pointed out. He gripped her hand then and laid it palm-down on his chest, right over his heart. “See?”

Kayla quivered. Just the sensation of his heart beating against her palm made her wild with desire for him.What am I going to do? I'm going to have to quit my job and leave the pack at this rate!

“And is he…” Kayla trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. Though she was well and truly over Stan and his bullshit, she didn't like the thought of anyone losing their life because of her. That wasn't something she wanted on her conscience.

“Don't worry. He's alive. For now,” Lance growled out through gritted teeth. “He almost wasn't, but you pulled me back.”

Kayla remembered then how she had screamed at him to stop, and she blushed. “I…I didn't want you to live with that on your conscience.”