When she had imagined how her friend might react to the news, she never imagined it would be this bad. Neither had she imagined it would feel quitethisterrible, either.
Serena turned a strict gaze upon her and it was clear from every inch of her body that it was taking every ounce of strength for her to hold Sarah down. “Kayla, you really should leave.”
It was only then that Kayla finally managed to move again. As if Serena's words had slapped her in the face, Kayla turned and rushed from the room, trying to ignore the screams of her friend as other healers hurried to help Serena calm her.
Every instinct in Kayla screamed at her that she needed to help her friend, but what could she do when she had been the one to cause her friend's pain and rage?
She didn't stop until she had made her way out of the manor. She had run so fast in human form that it made her lungs ache. She doubled over with her hands on her knees and panted for breath.
If she strained her ears, she could still hear Sarah screaming, though it was no longer words, only sound, and she seemed far more upset than angry, as if Kayla leaving had opened the floodgates for tears.
What have I done?Kayla thought, her own tears coming in a fresh wave.What am I supposed to do now?
Even the manor wasn't safe for her now, not with Sarah so angry. Besides, she loved her best friend more than anything in the world. All she wanted was for her to recover. Even if she never regained her trust or earned her forgiveness, she wanted her oldest and truest friend to be healthy.
Though she knew it went against everything she hoped to accomplish with her friendship, Kayla found herself reaching into her pocket for her cell phone. Maybe if Lance had found Stan, they might be able to come up with a plan to somehow fix everything else.
She dialed his number and pressed the phone to her ear. It rang and rang and rang. Nothing.
Damn it!She growled low in her throat. Then, just for one second, a dreadful thought crossed her mind.What if Lance hasn't caught Stan? What if Stan caught Lance?
She closed her eyes, fighting the thought and all it did to her body. Her racing heart, her trembling limbs, the tightness in her chest, it all terrified her.
But she couldn't afford to lose herself to fear. Lance was a werewolf. More than that, he was an older werewolf and a security guy. He wasn't Sarah or even her. Hell, he wasn't even Lewis, who had gotten himself into more than one scrape over the years with all his antics.
He was Lance Leafson. Strong, capable, mean when he needed to be, and to Kayla, he was everything. The realization made her numb inside. She had risked everything for him, even the woman she felt was her sister. She had to lend him her faith now.
All she could do was get as far away from Sarah as possible and hope that was enough to calm her friend's rage.
Whether it was safe or not, home was a damn sight safer than wandering about Silverdale until she finally got the call that Stan had been captured.
Chapter 18 - Lance
Lance shook off his wolf form almost an hour after leaving the infirmary. Grabbing his clothes from the hollow tree he had left them in to search for Stan—with no success—he pulled them back on almost tearing them out of sheer force with his dark mood.
When I get my hands on that bastard, I'm going to kill him!Lance vowed. He grabbed his cell phone from where it had slipped out of his jacket pocket and checked the screen.
His heart skipped a beat when he saw the missed call from Kayla. A thousand different scenarios, each one worse than the last, rushed through his mind.
He was about to return the call when his phone started to ring again.
Without stopping to think, he answered, “Darius? What is it?”
Picturing the dark haired brute of a werewolf he'd had stationed outside Kayla's house to keep watch over the place, he prayed it was nothing disastrous.
“I thought you said Kayla wasn't going to be coming home tonight?”
The words turned Lance to ice.
“She's supposed to be at the manor,” he said, growling the words out through gritted teeth.
“Well, she's not there now,” Darius said. “She's just headed inside. She looked hella upset, so I made sure she didn't see me. The last thing I want is a hiding from an angry she-wolf.”
Lance scoffed at that. It was likely a good idea, especially considering he could imagine the words she and his daughter had shared after he left the infirmary. He shouldn't have been at all surprised that she had left the manor. What he was surprised at was the fact she had been stupid enough to return home before he told her it was safe.
Guilt gnawed at his insides. Was that why she had called? To try and find out whether it was safe?
If he hadn't been off in wolf form looking to rip Stan's head right off his shoulders, he wouldn't have missed the call.