Page 16 of Boss's Mate

Leading her to his truck, he unlocked it and yanked the passenger side door open. “Get in.”

Kayla's eyes flashed as if she were about to argue, but instead she pursed her lips and slipped into the truck.

Slamming the door shut, Lance rounded the vehicle and climbed into the driver's seat. Placing her laptop bag in the back, he slammed his own door shut and shoved the key in the ignition.

Neither of them spoke as he pulled the truck out of the parking lot and headed for her house.

Gritting his teeth against the silence, he turned up the radio, hoping it would remove some of the tension. Somehow, it only made it worse.

Though the drive was short, less than ten minutes, it was perhaps the most painful drive he had ever taken.

It was only when he pulled onto her driveway and killed the engine that he finally dared to speak. “You know, if you were to have need of anything, I'm only a call away.”

Kayla looked at him with an expression of sadness that made his heart ache. “It isn't your job to protect me.”

Lance laughed a little at that. Cocking his head to one side, he pointed out, “Actually, it is. Security is what I do, remember?”

Kayla blushed brighter than ever before, and Lance's insides melted. She was so radiant in the dying light of the day that it took his breath away.

Through gritted teeth, he said, “You should get out of the car before I do something I'll regret.”

A mixture of hurt and confusion darkened Kayla's face, but she didn't question him. Instead, she shoved open the door and slipped out, leaving only her patchouli and orange blossom scent behind.

For just as second, Lance watched her perfect swaying ass as she walked up the driveway.

She wasn't even at her door before he turned the key in the ignition and kicked the truck into reverse. He had to get out of there before he did something stupid.

He had done all he meant to do. She was home safe. Now all he had to do was save her from himself before he climbed out of his truck, grabbed her and ravished her right there on her driveway.

The scent of her lay thick in the air mocking him as he sped away, fighting the urge to look back. The only thing thatstopped him was the small voice in the back of his mind that said,Sarah would never forgive you.

Chapter 9 - Kayla

The screeching of Lance's truck as he sped out of the driveway made Kayla almost jump right out of her skin. Stopping halfway up the walkway, she closed her eyes and tightened her hands into fists, gritting her teeth against the noise.

Desperately, she wanted to look back over her shoulder at him, but she feared if she did her heart would hurt twice as badly as it already did. She might even have called him back if it wasn't for the coldness in his tone as he urged her out of the truck.

There was nothing left of the warmth she had felt in his touch the night before or the affection she had witnessed in his gaze. Whatever had happened, it appeared Lance had forgotten it. And that hurt like hell.

She didn't dare move until she could no longer hear his truck in the distance, wondering whether maybe he might come back. He didn't.

However, her phone did start to ring as she rummaged in her handbag for her keys.

Grabbing it, she saw Sarah's name flash on the screen. She wanted to ignore it, but she almost never did that to her best friend, and the last thing she wanted to do was worry her. So, reluctantly, she answered, “Hey, Sarah.”

“Hey yourself!” Sarah snapped over the phone, but her tone wasn't entirely unfriendly.

I see where she gets that from now,Kayla thought, imagining Lance only a few minutes earlier.

“I've been waiting for you to call me all day!”

“Did I say I would?” Kayla asked. She thought back but couldn't remember having done so.

“Well, no, but you always call me after a date!” Sarah hissed. Kayla gulped. “How did it go?”

“It…it didn't, really.”

What else was she supposed to say?It turned out to be your dad. We had a drink and then I left. Stan showed up and attacked me and your wonderful dad came to the rescue. Oh, then he walked me home and we almost fucked the night away…