Page 66 of Scorned Queen

“No.Just no.I need time.I need space.I need a lot of things I can’t have with you.”

He recoils as if slapped and I climb inside the car and yank the door shut.“Drive,” I say, and once we’re out of the cemetery I direct him to a hotel.Damion will look for me.I won’t be there.

I’m on a cold, hard hotel bed despite the luxury of the room, when I dial Lana.“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.I’ll be back for the live event Saturday.”

“You do not have to do this.”

“Oh, I do, and I’ve been thinking of your need to delve into my personal life.Do that interview you wanted with me and I’ll give you your ratings.”

She’s silent a moment.“This feels grief driven.”

“It’s ratings driven.I’ll see you then.”

My cellphone rings with Damion’s number and I turn it off.

Chapter fifty-four


Idon’tgohomeor take Damion’s calls before the live event.He’ll convince me not to move forward with my plan, but I do miss him.I miss him so very much, but our lives have been a collision course of heartache and now death.

I arrive at the auditorium where there will soon be a live audience.My hair and makeup are done by some celebrity stylist, and I barely notice what I look like.I’m nervous and numb, but I’m committed to my plan.When finally, I step on stage, I know Damion’s in the audience.As crazy as it seems, I can feel him close, but I cannot let this fact detour me from my goal.

I appear on stage and the crowd goes nuts.Nerves jump around in my belly, but I wave and smile, cameras going nuts.There are two seats in the center of the stage and Lana meets me in front of them, hugging me before she says, “Alana Blue, ladies and gentlemen.”Applause follows and we claim our seats.

That sensation of Damion being near expands and my gaze searches the front row, my heart punching when my eyes land on him just in front of me.Adrenaline surges and I cut my stare.“So, Alana,” Lana says.“So funny, right?I’m Lana and you’re Alana.Us together was meant to be, don’t you think?’

I laugh a forced laugh, but I’m practiced enough I don’t think anyone else knows this to be true.We begin chatting about the show, dodging my recent tragedy, but not for long.Lana just doesn’t know.Her gaze slides to my hand and only then do I realize I’m fiddling with my ring, I didn’t even know I was still wearing.Clearly, I’m not ready to let go of Damion.

Lana seizes this action as an invitation.“I see you’re wearing a ring on the engagement finger.”The crowd goes nuts.

I swallow hard.

She presses me when the noise quiets.“Is this Damion West we’re talking about?Did he put a ring on that finger?”

“He did,” I say.“And as you know we grew up together.”I give a choppy laugh.“I declared him my future husband after a kiss in a closet when we were seven.”

There are sighs and ohs from the audience.

“So please tell us,” Lana says.“Is there a date set?”

“No.No, we broke up.”I hold up the ring.“I forgot to take off the ring.”

The audience erupts in protest and it’s torture as the staff try to calm them.Damion’s attention is heavy like a wrecking ball.Finally, Lana says, “What’s happening?Did he do you wrong?”

“No.Damion’s the best man I know.He’s amazing.”My voice cracks.“It’s his father that’s the problem.”

“Oh my,” Lana says.“Tell us.What did he do to cause such a rift between you and the man you clearly love?”

“I do love him, but you see, his father killed my father.”

There are gasps and craziness in the crowd and I know Damion is freaking out right now and so am I inside.I did it.I really said it.It’s two full minutes before Lana asks, “Why would he kill your father?”

“All I can say to that question is this.He’s been sleeping with my mother for a very long time.Do with that information what you will.And on that note, I think I need to end this here.I didn’t mean to say all of this.And of course, he’ll sue me, but here’s what I say to that.Bring it.”The crowd erupts in cheers and I get up and walk off the stage.

The end…for now