Maybe I should have stayed away from Damion, and him me, but I’m objective enough to know that was never going to happen.We were always going to find each other again, and this time it means war.My fear, which evidently echoes that of Damion’s and now Adam’s, is that our love is going to turn bloody.
Chapter thirty
TheminuteI’minsidethe soundproof booth, Lana corners me.“You have a stalker?”
“Seems that way,” I eek out, steeling myself for the questions to follow.
“And you didn’t tell me that?”
“I was trying to downplay it, but it seems that just won’t be possible.”
“What happened?”
My mind races for a story to control her and keep her far from the truth.“The kicker was the flowers I got today with a rather scary coded message.Damion decided it was time to act, and he approved it with the studio.”
“Do you know who it is?”
“No,” I say, because, truly, I’m only guessing that it’s his father.Even though I guessed right, of course.
Her eyes light.“What if we—”
“No.No is the answer to what you’re about to ask.What happens when you trigger this person and they attack me, or even you?And what would the insurance company for the production say?”
“You’re going to have to give me something juicy sooner rather than later.You know that, right?”She doesn’t wait for an answer.“Let’s get to work.”
Three hours later, we still have at least an hour to record, when I finally get a break that allows me to step out of the sound booth.I dart out of the room to find Lana talking to Adam.“Why not?”Lana asks.
“Why not what?”I ask, trying to figure out how she got here so much faster than I did.
“She’s trying to talk me into being on your show,” Adam supplies.
“I told you no, Lana,” I say, and I am not pleased.“No does mean no.”
“He’s hot,” Lana says.“There’d be ridiculous gossip about you two, and it would take pressure off Damion.”
I’m not one to pull rank, even Damion’s rank, but I’m at my limit.“Lana, I think you’re forgetting who Damion is.He’s worried enough about this to want to pause production.”
This has her eyes flying wide.“What?No.That would cost a fortune.”
“Ask a man with his kind of money if he cares.I assure you, he’ll say no when it comes to my safety.”
She flips this around on me.“How hot and heavy are you two?”
“I’m moving in with him.”
She shakes her hand.“Hot, hot, and hot.Does the studio know?”
“He is the studio.”I cast Adam a pleading look.“Can we talk alone?”
“Of course.”
I start walking, and he follows until we’re several feet from Lana, who crosses her arms in front of her and just watches us.I offer her my back.“She’s making me crazy.”
“I can see why, but you handled it well.”
“You think?”I ask, needing that reassurance when I’m in uncharted waters.“Damion will approve.I hope so.We’ve had very little time to talk about all of this.Did you show him the card from the flowers?”
“I did.He says his father is contained.”