“What is it?”I whisper urgently.
“You’ve got an extra season renewal, baby.And the only reason they didn’t give you two seasons is that your contract is up for negotiation, which means it’s time to get a raise.”
Excitement and disbelief light me up.“Really?”
“Yes,” he laughs.“Really.The studio head was going to call, but I wanted it to be me.I hope you don’t mind, but—”
“No, I—thank you.”Emotion wells in my throat, and I whisper, “Youdid this for me.You made this happen.”
“No, baby.You did this.”His voice is warm, and there is pride etched in his tone.“All I did was get you the chance to be noticed.No one gets renewed for any reason but ratings.Tell your team, they just got job security.I’m going to come see you in a few when you break for lunch.I’ll be out front.Congratulations, baby.I’m proud of you.See you soon.”He disconnects, and joy fills me.
He’s proud of me.I do not know why this matters to me so very much.But it does.It so does.
I draw in a breath and rotate to the room of watchful eyes.“We got an extra season renewal!”
The minute the words leave my mouth, the room breaks out in cheers.Dierk stands up and rounds the table, offering me his hand.He’s a tall, good-looking guy with bleach-blond hair and striking blue eyes.“Congratulations.”
I accept his hand.“Thank you.”And when I pull back, he holds onto it and leans in close.“Let me take you out to dinner to celebrate.”
My cheeks heat with this unexpected turn of events.“I’m very flattered, but I can’t do that.I’m–well, I’m in a relationship.”
He releases my hand, but he’s studying me with intense scrutiny, as if he’s going to say something else, which is probably because my decline was awkward.Not because I didn’t want to decline, just the whole relationship statement is new to me.Good, but new.There’s a shout of, “Everyone back in your places,” which saves me from any further interaction.
Dierk and I quickly claim our seats, and it’s not long before we’re filming again, but there’s an intensity in the way he’s looking at me now.I’d be flattered, but I’ve found that since I hit the TV screen, powerful men are more interested in me.I’m not sure it’s even a compliment when it’s a status symbol for them.I’ll stick with the man who knew me first when I had pigtails, not now that I’m in the spotlight.
The ease with which I reached this conclusion tells me a lot about how I really feel about me and Damion.All the struggles between us are about the outward influencers, not about us.I’d say that makes us solid, but nothing has really changed.
The same people who didn’t want us together still don’t want us together.
I guess it’s not people.It’s one person: Damion’s father.
But he’s as mighty a force as an army, and he and Damion are at war.That means I’m at war with him as well.
Chapter twenty-one
Therestofourmorning footage is filmed rather quickly, and we break for lunch.The whole Dierk thing goes away rather easily when the cameras flip off and he is immediately pulled onto a business call.I hurry off toward my dressing room and text Damion on the way, eager to see him:I’m done.Just changing clothes.I have a two-hour break.
I’m outside in a black SUV.I can’t wait to see you, gorgeous.
I smile, inside and out, at this new reality that is my relationship with this wonderful man:I’ll be there in ten.
This afternoon is all rehearsals and voiceover work, which means I don’t need to be fancy anymore.Once I’m in my dressing room, the scent of my gorgeous flowers teases my nostrils.With the reminder of Damion’s sweetness, I flash back to the moment I’d heard Damion’s voice on the other end of that call, in the middle of the studio.I’d been nervous, and yet, the thrill of his call had set butterflies dancing in my belly.I replay the conversation and thrill at the idea that he wanted to tell me about the renewal himself.His call, paired with an extra season renewal, is ridiculously validating.I’m wanted.I’m accepted.I’m good at what I do.
It’s been a very long time since I felt those things.
And he’s right.It’s about ratings.This win is about me, and my team, killing the ratings, and for the first time since the show started, I allow myself to revel in that success.These things matter to me, and he clearly knew that.You did this, he’d said.All I did was get you the chance to be noticed.What felt like some sort of payment now feels like him showing faith in me.
With all of this in my mind, I’m over the moon.
I dress in my street clothes, grab my purse, and retrieve the ring and slide it back into place, a tightness in my chest knowing it’s a ring Damion bought for me years ago.I allow myself only a moment to stare at it on my finger, before me and my grumbling belly hurry toward the exit.Once I’m outside, I’m greeted by a burst of golden sunshine splaying warmth over the city, and me.With a hand up to block the glare, I’ve just spied a driver standing next to an SUV when Dierk intercepts me, stepping directly into my path.
“Dierk,” I say, aware of the way he towers over me in his ridiculously expensive suit, effectively blocking my view of the vehicle.
“I’m glad I caught you.I wanted to thank you for the invitation to the show.My mother is beside herself, and even more so, that she gets to come with me to look at properties with you next month.She feels like a movie star.”
“I’m excited to meet her,” I say, “and thrilled to give her the star treatment.I owe her for wrangling you into doing this.”