Is that another thing he learned at Wharton?

My panties are soaked, my insides are trembling, but I decorate my face with a slow and steady smirk like I’m piping icing onto a badass lady-boss cake. Like I eat growly New York billionaires for breakfast and still have room for two more scones and my mom’s omelet.

“Well, I’ve given you my demands. Good luck surprising me, cowboy.”

Chapter 16

Money for Muffin (but the Chick Ain’t Free)


Grady is supposedto pick me up soon to take me to the airport. I have packed, repacked, and triple-checked the contents of my luggage. I have deep-conditioned, face-masked, showered, and accidentally over-shaved my private parts because I ignored Vera’s reminders to make a waxing appointment. Why would I get a bikini wax if I’m not going to be exposing my private lady-business areas to my fake boyfriend during our strictly business trip?

The shaving part was just standard grooming procedure. The Full Monty shave was truly an accident. I was nervous and distracted because I haven’t flown anywhere in years. I haven’t had a vacation in years. Not that this is a real vacation. It’s a real business trip with billionaire benefits, like private jets and who knows what else.

I am filled with equal parts excitement and dread as Ianticipate what moves Grady will try to pull. I must stay strong. That would be much easier to do if I had the support of my best friend. Vera hasn’t been answering my texts. She’s been cagey since last night, and I don’t even bother texting her before I leave because I’m sure she’s asleep. And she should be. There’s no reason for her to get up before the sun today.

The bakery is now closed for renovations for a whole week, so she can sleep in. Grady and this magical Alice lady managed to book an amazing interior designer and a remodeling contractor so fast, he made me promise I wouldn’t ask how much he’s paying for them. Crabby Crawford staged a public protest, standing on an apple crate outside my storefront. He tried to start a petition to keep me from closing. But when I got him to settle down, I explained to Crabby that the front of the bakery will be more comfortable when the renovations are done and that I’ll be selling s’mores and more cookies. In general, I assured him, I’ll be applying my innovative talents to more comforting and relatable treats. I helped the old fella down off the apple crate, in a way that wasn’t emasculating, and he gave me a sweet little pat on the back. Then he warned me that Mr. Suit is all wrong for me.You don’t have to tellme,I said.

My phone finally buzzes with a text notification, but it’s not Vera.

JAKE: Hey. Have fun in NYC.

JAKE: But, you know, not too much fun. Or goahead and have too much fun, but I don’t wanna hear about it. Ever.

ME: Trust me, I will not have too much fun. I’m only pretending to be Grady’s girlfriend so he can close a business deal. This is just a business thing. I’m helping him because he’s helping me. With the bakery.

JAKE: What are you talking about? He told me he has feelings for you.

ME: He did?! When?

JAKE: A few days ago. When he was at the house that morning.

ME: Why didn’t you tell me?

JAKE: Why would I? I figured he’d tell you that he had feelings.

ME: He did. I mean why didn’t you tell me he told you about it?!

JAKE: Because I’m not a teenage girl named Stephanie.

ME: Who is Stephanie?

JAKE: I don’t know! This is why I don’t talk to you about girl stuff!

ME: Oh my God why are you like this?!

JAKE: Why are YOU like THAT?! Why can’t you just be happy? What, my billionaire best friend isn’t good enough for you? Are you holding out for Elon Musk to take you to Mars? New York isn’t exotic enough?

ME: Oh my God. I can’t with you right now.I have to get ready to go.

JAKE: I can’t with you either.

ME: I love you. Don’t die in a fire.

JAKE: Whatever, nutjob. Love you. Don’t die in a plane crash.

It doesn’t change things, knowing that Grady told my brother he had feelings for me. If anything, it just strengthens my resolve. Because Christ on a graham cracker, that is so fucking sweet and if I allow my brain to accept how fucking sweet it is, I will fall madly in love with someone I can’t really be with, and lives will be ruined. Mine and Crabby’s—and that poor guy’s already lost a wife.