Since we were both whispering, I led her to an area where there were no other people.

“This is bad, Zep.”

I agreed and pulled out the mobile I’d stuffed in my pocket. “Let me see what I can find out.”

“Who are you calling?” she asked.


“Hey, Zeppelin,” he answered.

“I’ve got Verity here with me. Any word on Z?”

“Not yet, but we’ll issue updates as we have them.”

Verity put her hand on my arm like she had in the copter. “Ask if we should return.”

I nodded, but Ares responded before I could repeat her question.

“Stay where you are. We’ve amassed a team, all hands on deck, as they say. You’re needed there, particularly if we discover this has anything to do with AMPS.”

“Copy that,” I said before ending the call.

We exited the building and approached the helipad’s valet. “I’m Jack Evans.” I was about to give him the reservation number Nem had provided for the SUV she reserved for us, but he’d already raced off in the direction of the garage.

Both of uswere quiet on the short drive to the resort.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Verity asked when I pulled up to the gatehouse of an unmarked compound.

“Is this Châteaux Relais?” I asked the attendant.

“Yes. Welcome. Are you checking in, sir?” the heavily accented man responded.

“Yes. Mr. and Mrs. Evans.”

The man’s eyes widened, but he quickly masked his reaction. “Excellent. Again, please let me offer you and your wife a very warm welcome.”

I glanced over at Verity, who seemed equally confused by his effusive welcome.

The man directed us a short distance to the valet area. When I pulled up, four people descended on our vehicle, opening doors and getting our luggage from the rear of the SUV. Seconds later, a horse-drawn sleigh appeared.

“Sir, madam, welcome. I am Hans,” said the man who’d opened Verity’s door and extended a hand to help her out. “Bernard will deliver you to your chalet. In the meantime, we’ll see to it your vehicle and luggage are there upon your arrival.”

“It isn’t any problem for me to drive it over myself.”

Verity, who was now standing beside me, covered her mouth to stifle a laugh at Hans’ reaction. He appeared aghast that I would suggest such a thing.

“Forgive me,” I said, tucking her arm in mine. “We’d love to take a sleigh ride. Wouldn’t we, darling?”

“It will be delightful.”

The man, who no longer appeared to be headed into a fit of apoplexy, led us both to where Bernard waited.

“Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Evans,” he said as he guided us into the sleigh. “May I offer you bothheisse Schoggi?”

“I’d love some. Thank you,” Verity responded.

He held up a flask and raised his brow in question.