Page 62 of Code Name: Zeppelin

“I’d say he would’ve been better off remaining under house arrest, but that would’ve made him a sitting duck.”

We stood to the side and watched our forensics team process the crime scene. “Should we contact the US Embassy American Citizen Services to make arrangements for the body to be returned to the States?” Verity asked.

“We should not.”

“But we should contact Nemesis.”

While she didn’t phrase it as a question, I nodded.

We walked into the main area of the suite, then Verity pulled out her mobile and put the call on speaker.

“We’ve found Godwin,” she reported when Nemesis answered.

“Deceased?” I heard her respond.


“I had a feeling.”

“It looks like a mob hit, or it was staged to look like one, anyway. I have a theory about a group whose assets Godwin managed in Switzerland. He used the same alias, Jacob Novak, for their accounts as well as the new ones set up for AMPS.”

“Before we talk about that, any sign of either the bodyguard or the woman?” she asked.

“Negative. The team is still processing the crime scene. We’ll let you know if there’s a trace of anyone other than Godwin,” I said.

“I’ve made arrangements for you to remain at the hotel where you are at least until evidence has been gathered. MI6’s UAE team of agents is available for whatever support you need.”

“Much appreciated, Nem,” I said, noticing Macht was waiting to speak with me.

While Verity wrapped the call, he led me to the other side of the room, closer to the body. The corpse had been moved in sucha way that the blood covering the front of his torso was apparent, as well as knife wounds to his face.

“It appears he was tortured prior to being shot,” said Macht.

I leaned down to take a closer look.

“What is it?” Verity asked.

“Looks to me like the letter N,” I said in a quiet voice.

She nodded.

“We’re ready to transport,” said Reaper. Early in his career with the CIA, he’d led what we referred to as a cleaning crew. Rumor was, it often times involved victims who were near death and his was the last face they saw—hence his code name.

“Get it done,” I responded and he nodded. “Macht, you come with us.”

Before we left the penthouse, I found the man in charge of the MI6 unit and asked him to alert me when he had a report prepared. He handed off key cards for two suites, one for me and one for Verity.


“Yes, sir?”

“Did you find a mobile on Godwin?”


His response didn’t surprise me. “What about Ashford? Have you received any word on whether he’s been able to find anything on Godwin’s mobile number or call history?”

“Not yet, sir.”