Page 58 of Code Name: Zeppelin

“While I’m waiting on information about Godwin, I’ll have a conversation with Rile about the Vella family. I want to make him aware of our suspicions, but my opinion is it would be prudent to keep them where we can find them, if you catch my drift. It’s his call, though.”

Decker, along with Rile, was one of the founding partners of the Invincibles. Their group was one of the two best private security and intelligence firms I’d ever worked with. The other was K19 Security Solutions, Doc Butler’s team. While they were rivals when it came to one-upping the other, they’d worked jointly on several international missions.

I agreed it had to be Rile’s call regarding any risk to his family. I didn’t know him well, but based on the interactions I’d had or witnessed, I doubted he’d suggest the Vellas relocate. If anything, I’d predict he’d have Decker—considered one of the top experts in intelligence technology in the world—create stronger security within his compound.

Decker cleared his throat. “Assuming we believe the Vellas need to remain under the coalition’s protection.”

Nemesis stood. “If our working theories prove correct, there are still two key players in AMPS who we have not yet identified. Given Mithras and Pharaoh are both dead, the threat of retaliation doesn’t just remain; it has increased. We will act with an abundance of caution with the Vella family and with everyone involved in the AMPS investigation.”

Those in the room either nodded or verbally expressed their agreement.

“Verity, I’d like to suggest you consider visiting UBS while you’re waiting for word on Godwin,” Nemesis added.

“Roger that,” she responded.

“Oh, and, Verity?”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“I’m concerned about your cover after your experience this morning at BJB.”

“As am I. I’m prepared for other disguises.”

I wondered what she’d have in store for me and thought about her comment about the muscles in my arms. “It’s easier to add than take away,” she’d said. My eyes met hers over our laptops. Was she thinking about the same thing? It so often seemed like we were on the same wavelength.

After agreeing we’d touch base again as soon as Decker heard anything about Godwin’s twenty, we got ready to visit the bank.

“Have you ever worn contacts?” she asked.

“When I was younger, before I had the surgery to correct my vision.”

“Do you think you could again?”

“It’s like riding a bike, right?”

Verity laughed. “Yes, well, nothing like that.” She prepped them, then handed the case to me. “We have options if this won’t work.”

I had no trouble popping them in. Next was a wig and makeup.

“Would you mind terribly if I looked through your clothing?”

“Can I look through yours?”

I winked when she first looked stunned, but then smiled.

My mobile rang with a call from Decker. I answered and put it on speaker.

“We’ve got eyes on Godwin. There’s a helicopter waiting and a plane on standby in Zurich. Leave as soon as you can. Macht and Reaper will travel with you. I’ve already made contact with them. They’re waiting at the resort’s helipad.”

“The resort has a helipad?” I asked.

I don’t know if he didn’t hear me or didn’t find it necessary to answer such a stupid question. Of course it did. Otherwise, why would he have said it?

I thanked him and ended the call.

Verity was already gathering her things. “Sorry about all this,” she said, motioning to my face, which I hadn’t seen yet. I walked over to the mirror.

“Good God, I look like my dad.” I shuddered. “You couldn’t have made me look a little, err, sexier?”