Page 18 of Code Name: Zeppelin

Zeppelin shook his head. “When you show me a glimpse of the woman beneath the hard shell you keep around you, then you’re Elise. When you’re a bitch, then you’re Verity.”

I thought about calling Nemesis and informing her that not only was I leaving this op, but I intended to ask Typhon to assign me to a Unit 23 mission. Or I considered slapping Zeppelin,which I would’ve done if he were closer. Instead, I took a seat in one of the stuffed chairs positioned near the sofa and opened the first brief on AMPS. It was one I’d prepared myself after a discussion with Oleander. While it would’ve been logical for the woman to do it herself, O didn’t write briefs.

That wasn’t all she didn’t do. Hotel or dinner reservations, car rentals, and paperwork of any kind were typically left to me, at least on the missions we’d worked together. She’d apologized once for treating me as if I were her assistant. I truthfully told her it didn’t bother me. The woman was as brilliant as she was badass. We all had things we didn’t like to do. Maybe by helping her, someone might pay it forward and take on the things I didn’t care for on my behalf—like going undercover with Zeppelin on future ops.

“Have you noticed the size of this bed?” he asked, seemingly forgetting he’d just insulted me. “I think it’s the biggest I’ve ever seen. It could easily fit three people.”

I glanced over and saw he was studying it. Good God, was he really imagining three people in it? Knowing him, he was likely fantasizing about himself with two of the supermodel types he seemed to like so well. I scrunched my eyes closed, attempting to unsee one of the women being Schön.

“If we reviewed the briefs together, we could brainstorm.”

I closed my laptop and looked up at him. “You can read, Zeppelin? Yes?”

“Jack, remember,Verity?”

I tried to come up with a witty yet biting reply, but when nothing came to mind, I reopened my computer. “All right, then. Let’s get to it.”

Zeppelin sat in the one other chair and opened his laptop as well. “Go ahead.”

I raised a brow, but considering he had his fingers on the keyboard, I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he intended to take notes.

“The first mention of AMPS was a year ago when Nemesis held a briefing about the IP origin of a sex-slave auction,” I began.

“Right. It was the shell corp that owned Mithras’ villa.”

“Registered in Mauritius,” I added.

“It was also the first time Pharaoh’s name was mentioned and when you discovered the offshore accounts were also in Mauritian banks.”

“We then theorized the acronym represented aliases or code names, if you will. M for Mithras. P for Pharaoh. Do you have a theory as to who A and S might be?”

Zeppelin shook his head. “None. You?”

“Me neither.”

He looked over at the table. “If I’m going to remain alert, meaning awake, I need something more to eat.” He stood and lifted the remaining silver dome.

When I saw a small chocolate cake beneath it, I was all in. “Shall I make us each an espresso?” I asked, walking over to the machine that sat on the kitchen counter.

“I’d love one. Actually, make it a double-shot.”

If I were to consume that much caffeine coupled with chocolate, I might not sleep until tomorrow night. In fact, the chocolate alone would get me wired. “On second thought, I’ll pass. I’ll still make coffee for you, though.”

He raised a brow. “You’re not tired? I can barely keep my eyes open.”

“Given the late hour, I’ll be more effective if I sleep now and start fresh in the morning.”

He looked at the dessert, then at me again.

“Are youpouting?” I asked, chuckling.

“So, not even any cake?”

“None for me, but you go ahead.” The look on his face when he replaced the dome reminded me of a child who’d just been told they couldn’t have something they wanted. “Seriously, you don’t have to refrain just because I am.”

“You’re right. We should try to sleep now and start fresh in the morning.”

When he walked over to the bed and pulled back the blankets on one side, I wondered if he’d forgotten he offered to take the sofa. No matter. I would tonight, and we could switch off. I grabbed a pillow from the opposite side and one of the blankets.