Page 92 of Code Name: Zeppelin

Nemesis raised a brow in her direction, but I’d witnessed the half smile she tried to mask.

“Previously, it was believed Marco and Yasmine Vella were Xavier’s birth parents. The two were killed in an automobile accident when Xavier was two years old. However, in the same way Pharaoh referred to Mithras as her brother, she confessed that Salvatore Rávdos, aka Cronos, was her father.” Nem paused.

“Have you obtained birth records?” I asked.

“We have not. While Decker Ashford has worked tirelessly to obtain them, other than Salvatore’s and Francesca’s, no others exist.”

Which could mean two things. A man like Salvatore would’ve had the means to pay someone off to “lose” birth records or, in cases like Seshat’s twin, have the certificate altered. It could also mean the births were private and the children’s names, birth dates, and other vital statistics were never filed.

“Are you saying there are no birth records for Marco Vella or Charlene Vella-Borg either?” Verity asked.

“None that we’ve been able to locate.”

“What about Marco’s wife, Yasmine?”

“Apologies,” said Nem, looking through her notes. “We do have a certificate for her as well as Selene Pavia.”

“Forgive the interruption, Nemesis, but I need to get this straight in my head. Valerie ‘Pharaoh’ Olin and Xavier ‘Sheka’ Vella are siblings. Lorenzo ‘Mithras’ Moretti is their half brother. In Mithras’ case, it could mean the three share a mother.However, it would make more sense that Salvatore Rávdos is the link.”

“I agree.”

“Which leaves us with the question of who the biological mothers are,” I added.

“Don’t forget we believe Seshat and her twin may be Salvatore Rávdos’ offspring as well,” said Verity. “Do we have DNA results for the woman we believe is Seshat’s twin?”

“We do not. Verity, can you please follow up with the lab and ask them to do a comparison with Xavier and Pharaoh?”

“Roger that,” Verity responded.

“Among our primary objectives is identifying the final leader of AMPS. Given we’ve been operating under the theory the code names, if you will, relate to the letters of the acronym, we’re looking for A.”

“Yes, Schön?” I looked over my shoulder and saw the woman had her hand raised.

“I may have missed something, but Xavier was raised as a Vella. Francesca referred to him as her grandson, and he referred to Charlene Vella-Borg as his aunt. Wouldn’t it stand to reason his and Pharaoh’s mother would be related to Francesca?”

“Yes, it would,” Nemesis responded.