Page 76 of Code Name: Zeppelin

“Who is he?” Macht asked as I stood over thesonuvabitch.

“Xavier fucking Vella.”

I had a million questions, but none as important as learning Verity’s condition. I’d called Reaper three times in as many minutes when he finally picked up.

“How is she?”

“They just took her into the ER.”

As much as I didn’t want to know, I had to ask. “Is she alive?”

“She is, Zep.”

“I’m on my way. Send me your—” I felt the mobile slide from my hand as everything went black and I lost consciousness.



When I opened my eyes, I had no idea where I was. It was a hospital; that much, I could tell, but otherwise, the last thing I remembered was standing over Xavier Vella’s dead body.

“You’re awake,” said a British-sounding woman dressed in scrubs.

“Where am I?”

“King’s College Hospital.” She checked my blood pressure and took my temperature.

“What happened?”

“You lost quite a lot of blood. Not as much as you could’ve, mind you. Do you recall being shot?”

I nodded.

“You were lucky the bullet hit a vein versus an artery. You still required surgery, of course.”

“What time is it?”

“Fourteen hundred hours,” she said, motioning to a large clock on the wall I hadn’t noticed. “One of your mates has been here since you were transferred to a room. He just stepped out.I’m sure he’ll be back shortly. Do you have any other questions before I let the surgeon know you’ve come to?”

“Verity, err, Alena Curran.”

She cocked her head.

“She was a patient airlifted here before I was.”

“It doesn’t sound familiar, but if she was brought in by helicopter, it wouldn’t have been here.”

“How did I get here?”


The door opened, and Reaper walked in. “Hey, boss,” he said, looking between the nurse and me.

“If you’ve no more questions, I’ll alert your surgeon now.”

“Verity?” I asked when she left the room and closed the door behind her.

“Out of surgery, but that’s all I’ve been able to find out. Nemesis is on her way here now. Actually, she should have already landed.”