Page 89 of Undercover Agent

“Hey, Emme…” I heard my dad say as a car pulled up in front of my building. It looked a lot like the Jaguar Tommy had told me he’d borrowed from Angel. In fact, it was the same one. I was sure of it. What was he doing back here?


“Sorry, Dad. I need to call you back.” I ended the call and watched as the two front doors and one in the back opened. I held my breath when I saw Stephen get out of the passenger side. My eyes filled with tears when I saw Lynx get out of the driver’s side.

He looked up, and I raised my hand, not knowing if he could see me or not. I dropped my phone on the counter when he raised his in answer.

I pulled the sash of the robe that covered my flannel pajamas tighter and looked down at the bunny slippers I’d worn last night, mostly for Eleanor’s and Elizabeth’s sake. It wasn’t the sexiest look, but I didn’t have time to worry about that.

Racing down the hallway, I opened the door and stuck my head into the guest room. “Nora,” I whispered, hoping I could wake her without doing the same with the twins.

She opened her eyes and sat up.

“Stephen is here,” I whispered. “With Lynx.”

“Oh my God.” She threw the covers off and got out of bed. At least we were both equally unsexy looking since she’d borrowed one of my other pairs of flannel pj’s. “We’ll get the girls up and get out of here as fast as we can.”

“No, I mean, don’t feel like you have to hurry.”

She smiled at me. “Right. We won’t hurry. In fact, I think we’ll hang out here with you all day. You won’t mind that, right?”

I was about to tell her to shut up when I heard a knock at my door and froze.

“Go,”Nora said, pushing me out of the doorway and toward the front door.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my pajama bottoms and took a deep breath, wishing I’d brushed my teeth again after I drank a cup of coffee. When I stopped walking, Nora gave me another push.

I put my hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it. I couldn’t speak when I saw Lynx standing on the other side.

“Emerson,” he said, opening it the rest of the way, pushing inside, and wrapping his arms around my waist. He leaned down and rested his forehead against mine. “Do you have any idea how happy I am to see you?”

“What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy that you’re here. It’s just that I haven’t heard from you since you left. I mean, I know about your brother, so I understand?—”

At the same time Lynx grasped the back of my neck with his hands, his lips covered mine in a kiss.

I felt two people brush past us. If they said anything, I didn’t hear it. All I could hear was the blood pumping in my body as my heart beat out of my chest.

Lynx’s tongue thrust into my mouth and wound around mine. I tightened my grasp around his neck, never wanting to let go.

I lost track of time while Lynx pressed harder into our kiss, running his hands over my body. I gasped when he covered my breasts with his hands. I tried to break our kiss to look around for Nora and her family, but he brought one hand back to my neck and held me in place.

“Thanks for the ride,” I heard Stephen say.

“Welcome,” Lynx answered, briefly breaking our kiss only to dive right back in when we heard my front door open and then, several seconds later, close behind my friend, his cousin, and their family.

Lynx lifted me into his arms. “Bedroom?”

“That way,” I said, pointing down the hall.

He stalked there, holding my body close to his and then set me on my feet.

When I started to untie the sash of my robe, he stopped me. “I’ll do it,” he growled.

Within seconds, I stood before him naked and watched as he removed his clothes. He pushed me onto the bed, shackling my hands above my head with one hand while he crushed my mouth with his.

I couldn’t stop myself from bucking beneath him.

“Hold still,” he said, covering my body with his and then dipping his head to my straining nipple. The sharp sting of his bite fed my arousal to the point where I thrashed beneath him. I could feel his steely erection slide between my slick folds. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles.