When he held out his hand, I took it and let him pull me into an embrace. “Be safe,” I whispered.
Lynx cupped my cheek with his palm and stared into my eyes. “I wish I could say I’ll be back, but I can’t.”
“I understand.”
“Decker will be with you tomorrow, as will Angel.”
“Angel? Why?”
“She’ll be undercover.”
I didn’t like it, but it wasn’t something I would argue with Lynx about now.
“I wish we had more time.”
“I do too.”
“Emerson, I?—”
I put my fingertips on his lips. Whatever he’d say now would be forced, and I didn’t want to hear it in his voice. In the course of the last several days, there was a reason we hadn’t discussed anything beyond this mission. Reality had been lurking in the background of every conversation we had. It had risen to the surface on a number of occasions when one or both of us were willing to say out loud what we were both thinking.
Once Saint and Dr. Benjamin were safe, they, along with Lynx, would return to the U.K. End of story; it didn’t include a happily ever after.
I brought my lips to his and kissed him. He held me so tight that it made me wonder if he was having as hard a time letting go as I was.
He pulled away and brushed my hair from my face. He rested his hand near the place where I’d cut my head. “You need to get the staples removed.”
“Contact Stephen.”
“I don’t want to inconvenience him.”
“Contact Stephen,” he repeated, kissing my forehead. “He’ll take care of you.”
“Okay,” I murmured. The truth was, I couldn’t imagine going to anyone else—inconvenient or not.
“There are things I want to say…”
“Lynx, please don’t.”
He nodded and kissed me again. It was the kind of kiss he’d given me when we had sex. It was deep and hard and packed full of the emotion neither of us would allow ourselves to admit we were feeling.
“Goodbye, Emerson.”
“Goodbye, Lynx.”
I walked with him to the elevator, where he kissed me once more. When the door opened and he stepped inside, I couldn’t look at him. I turned before the door closed and walked to my apartment.
I felt like a boulder of sadness was resting on my chest, but it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as my heart ached. Why? God, I’d known this was coming. I’d reminded myself of it often enough over the course of the last three weeks. Three weeks? It felt like months. It was said that doing something twenty-one days in a row made it a habit. It hadn’t taken that long for Lynx to become a habit I wanted to continue doing for the rest of my life.
I rested my forehead against the door while I punched in the code,2312LCE,and then pressed my palm on the pad.
The door opened, and when I walked inside, my mom was sitting on the sofa, waiting for me.
“Lynx is gone,” I told her, and she nodded.
“Come here,” she said, holding her hand out to me.