Page 67 of Undercover Agent

Rick continued walkingdown the beach, and I returned to the house. When I got there, Emerson was in the kitchen.

“There’s something I need to ask you.”


“What is your personal relationship with Paxon Warrick?”

Her cheeks flushed; there was something she didn’t want me to know.


She cleared her throat. “After you and my father returned from D.C., I was really angry at both of you. I called Paxon and told him I wanted to return to work. He told me I couldn’t.”

I nodded. “Did he say why not?”

“He said there was something more in the brush pass. A warning. When I asked him what it was, he told me to talk to you or my father.”

That wasn’t a reason for Irish to say she shouldn’t return. There had to be another reason he didn’t want her there.

“Anything else?”

Rather than at me, Emerson looked out the window.

“The day I asked Mario to bring me here, when I was leaving, Paxon asked if he could accompany me downstairs.”

“Go on.”

“While we were in the elevator, he told me that he’d planned to ask me out.”

“He shared that with me.”

“That wasn’t all. He told me that when you broke my heart, he’d pick up the pieces.”

I was processing the information she’d shared when I realized Emerson was staring at me.

“It’s okay, Lynx,” she said when my eyes met hers. “We both know that once you find Tommy, everything will change.”

“You said you weren’t seeing each other.”

Emerson shook her head. “That isn’t what I meant, Lynx.”



“What did you mean?”

“It isn’t about Tommy, it’s about you and me. We both know that you’ll leave and I’ll…stay. There’s an end date, Lynx. Just like summer, this thing between us will end too.”

Lynx grabbed my hand and pulled me into him. “I can’t do this anymore.”

“Do what?”

“Pretend I don’t want to spend every minute kissing the fuck out of you.”

His mouth crashed into mine as he backed me against the kitchen island. He lifted me up and set me on the counter, pulled me forward so I was balancing on the edge, and then pushed my legs apart—all the while kissing me so hard I could barely breathe.

I wrapped my arms around him and then slid them down, gripping his ass and pulling him closer so his hot, hard cock rubbed against my wetness.