Page 48 of Undercover Agent



Why had Saint told me he and Emerson were seeing each other if they’d only kissed once? It didn’t make sense. What Angel told me didn’t make sense either, unless I’d somehow misunderstood.

I rolled from the bed and wrapped my arm around Emerson’s waist, turning her so I could look into her eyes. She wouldn’t lie; she had no reason to. And even if she had reason, something told me the woman in my arms would never be dishonest.

My mind raced with the number of times Emerson had referred to Tommy, and whether she’d said anything that would’ve confirmed what Saint told me. Other than telling me how stunned she was when he’d kissed her, I couldn’t recall anything else.

“I’m not saying that I expect us to pick up where we left off.” Even in the dim light, I could see her cheeks flush the prettiest pink with her words. “I just wanted you to know that Tommy and I weren’t…together.”

I cupped the back of her neck with my hand and brought my forehead to hers. “You said something about not picking up where we left off, but I think we should.”

“We should?”

I nodded. “If I recall correctly, I was about to kiss you.” I captured her lips with mine and kissed her like I’d wanted to every minute since the last time I had.

Knowing there was nothing between her and Saint, made me want to rip through every other barrier there was between us—namely clothing.

I nuzzled her neck, breathing in the scent of her. It was the same as I remembered, only now there was an added layer of a day spent by the sea. She smelled divine, and soon instead of merely nuzzling the soft skin of her graceful neck, I kissed it.

When she shuddered in my arms, I wanted to make it happen again and again—all night long.

I captured her lips with mine and devoured her mouth in a frenzy of unmitigated desire. I couldn’t rein myself in even if I wanted to.

“Say it,” she whispered.

“Say what, my darling?”

“Say what you said that night, in the elevator.”

I reached around her and cupped her gorgeous, heart-shaped arse with my hands, lifting her so her legs wrapped around me. I looked into her eyes and said the words she asked me to.

“Emerson, I’m going to fuck you senseless.”

She brought her lips to mine and kissed me so hard I could taste the tangy copper hint of blood, but I didn’t care. It only drove me to devour her more.

I lined my cock up with her pussy and rubbed against her. Her shorts were so thin, I could feel her wetness and her heat. She unwound her legs from my waist, and I eased her onto the daybed.

“Lynx,”she whispered, pulling me down with her. But I couldn’t take her.Not yet.

“Come,” I said.

When she stood, I grabbed the blanket from the daybed and took her hand, pulling her toward the beach.

“This way,” she said, and I followed her instead. When she stopped, I laid the blanket on the sand and then pulled her into my arms.

I kissed her again, deeper, harder, pulling her body as close to mine as I could. When she tried to pull away from me, I wove my fingers in her hair.

“Ouch!” she yelped, covering my hand with hers.

“Oh, God, I’m so sorry.”

“Kiss me again and make it all better,” she said, bringing her lips back to mine.

“I have a better idea.” I unfastened the button on her shorts and knelt in front of her, pulling them along with her panties down with me until they were around her knees and I was on mine.

“Thank fucking God,” I murmured, piercing her slit with the hard tip of my tongue. “Every time I closed my eyes, I imagined you this way. Bare, like you were that night.”