“He was actually Richard Jefferson Charles the fifth. So several namesakes.”
“Sounds like nobility.”
“We hail from a long line of New Englanders. This house has been in our family for four generations. I guess that makes us Cape Codder nobility. What about you? Any noblemen in your family?”
“Would you hold it against me if I said there weren’t?”
“Of course not.”
He sighed. “There isn’t much to tell, really.”
I raised my head so I could see Lynx’s face. “Do you have any brothers or sisters other than Keon?”
“He’s my sole sibling.”
Given his entire demeanor changed, I hesitated to ask anything else. If he didn’t want to talk about his family, I would be the last one to push. I almost never talked about my brother.
“When I was eighteen, my parents were killed in an automobile accident. Keon was with them.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“He spent several weeks in hospital. Enough that he had to repeat year eight.”
“So he was thirteen at the time of the accident?”
Lynx nodded. “My plans to go to university were temporarily dashed…”
“You took care of him.”
“Yes, I did, not that the bloody wanker appreciated it.” Lynx smiled.
“What makes you say that?”
“I understand he’s taking up permanent residence in Texas.”
“My little brother has always fancied himself a bit of a cowboy. Never mind that he’d only ridden English until he was in his mid-twenties.” He shook his head.
“What made you go SIS?”
“At the time, a degree wasn’t required—still isn’t necessarily, but more and more applicants have one. I was twenty-three when I finally sent Keon off, and had little idea what I wanted to do with my life. SIS ended up being a good fit for me.” Lynx stroked my cheek with his fingertip. “I did eventually earn my degree. More than one, actually.”
I wanted to ask what they were, but given my educational background, I didn’t want Lynx to think I was being competitive.
“That night we spent together…I want you to know, it meant something to me.”
“Lynx, you don’t have to?—”
He studied my face. “It meant something, Emerson.”
It meant something to me too, and if my brother hadn’t died, I probably would’ve wanted to see Lynx again, not that the desire would’ve been reciprocated.
“I lied to you,” he blurted.
Oh, God, was he married? Or worse? Although what could be worse?“When?”
“When I told you I didn’t look for you.”