Page 36 of Undercover Agent

His eyes scrunched and bored into mine.

“You said I should see how it goes.”

“Are you suggesting we do the same?”

“You don’t know anything about me, Lynx. We fell into bed without knowing each other’s last names.”

“What do you propose?”

I shrugged. “Do I really need to spell it out?”

“Are you suggesting I ask you on a date?”

“No, but the first step should be getting better acquainted.”

I frowned when he raised and lowered his eyebrows and winked.

“Very well. Emerson,” he sighed. “Would you join me for dinner this evening?”

“I’ll have to take a rain check. I’d like to get some rest.”

He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “I’ll be down the hall if you need anything.”

It wasn’tlong before I heard another knock at my door. When I looked through the peephole, I saw Lynx’s driver on the other side and opened it.

“Your phone, ma’am,” he said, handing it to me.

“Thank you…I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”

“Mario, ma’am.”

“That’s funny.”

He cocked his head in a way that meant maybe it wasn’t funny after all. “Your name really is Mario, isn’t it?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“By any chance, is your last name Andretti?”

“Um, no, ma’am, it’s Smith.”

“Seriously? MarioSmith?” I was making this worse, not better. “Wait here, Mr. Smith.” I grabbed my bag and handed him two folded twenties. “This is for bringing me my phone.”

“That isn’t necessary, ma’am. Mr. Edgemon already paid me.”

“Are you his driver exclusively?”

He shook his head.

“Hmm.” I had an idea brewing and tapped my finger on my bottom lip. “Are you driving for Mr. Edgemon this afternoon?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Would you be up for a drive down the Cape?”

He nodded, and his eyes lit up, probably at the prospect of a hefty payday.

“One condition, though.”