I wasn’t going to ask anything more, and I hoped he didn’t tell me. While my role was as an analyst and strategist, I knew enough about the game to understand that knowing too much would put me in danger.
Something else dawned on me. “Is Dr. Benjamin missing as well?”
“What’s the next step?”
“I’ve been tasked with putting a team together to find them.”
“Will you be on that team?”
Lynx shook his head.
I hated asking my next question. “Are you returning to the U.K.?”
“Not yet.”
“But you will soon?”
Ihad no definitive answer to Emerson’s question. I took another sip of wine and mulled over how much more I should tell her.
“Emerson?” I whispered when she rested her head on my shoulder.
“You’re exhausted. You should get some sleep.”
When she didn’t make a move, neither did I. Having her beside me was temporary; I should take as much of it as she’d allow. I breathed her in, like I always did when she was near me. If only doing so didn’t drive the want I felt for her sky-high.
I heard her take a deep breath and then let it out slowly. “It started out that Tommy and I would have dinner together when he was in town.”
I closed my eyes, wishing I could stop her. The last thing I wanted to hear about was Saint. Earlier today, I’d been ready to rip a gay man’s arms off for comforting her. Whatever she told me about my missing agent might compel me to let him remain so.
“As you know, the man is charm personified. I mean, he’s like a movie star. Maybe he should be the next James Bond, it wouldn’t exactly be a stretch. I mean, it’s his real job, right? Plus, he already dresses the part. He could probably win an award for the best-dressed man in all of England.”
I groaned inwardly. Was she truly this oblivious to what her words were doing to me? However, maybe hearing about how wonderful she believed Saint to be, would make it easier for me to stop myself from picking her up, carrying her into the bedroom, and driving every thought of Mister Charm Personified straight out of her head.
She looked up at me with wide eyes, as though she realized she was rambling. “Anyway, he and I are very different,” she murmured. “I’m sure you know my…background.”
“Yes.” Emerson would be well aware that I knew Dr. Charles’background. She graduated from secondary school at the age of fifteen and was accepted into Stanford University, where she completed her studies, including graduate and post-graduate degrees. Eighteen months ago, she was hired by MIT as a research analyst and political strategist. However, I had no idea what that had to do with Saint.
“Other than you, the men I’ve dated haven’t been like Tommy. I mean, you and I didn’t date, but…” Her cheeks flushed. “When Tommy kissed me, I was stunned, to be honest. That someone like him would be interested in someone like me…I found it…surprising.”
I couldn’t bear to listen to another word. She cared about Saint, and he, her. I didn’t like to think of myself as the kind of man who would poach another man’s woman, nor would I put Emerson in such an unfair position when she was simply being honest with me.
“This conversation is unnecessary. If you think you owe me an explanation for any relationship you’re in now, or ever, you’re mistaken.” I stood and stalked out before she could utter anything more.
The momentI entered Saint’s apartment, I had to get out. What had happened within these walls? Had he and Emerson talked, laughed together, kissed, touched? Had he fucked her here?
I stalked to the lift, punching the button over and over, finally deciding I couldn’t wait and took the stairs instead.