“Are you going to tell me what’s happening with Tommy, or is Lynx?”
“He will.”
I saw a glimpse of something on his face that he quickly masked. Perhaps whatever that was about, Lynx would explain to me also.
“Thank you for coming over to talk to me rather than waiting until tomorrow when it might be awkward.”
“It’s late. I should go.”
I walked Paxon to the door, but before he could walk out, I put my hand on his shoulder. When he turned, I hugged him. I could feel the relief in his muscles when he returned my embrace.
“I’ll talk to you later,” he said, stepping away from me.
Interesting word choice. Not “see you tomorrow.”
He and Lynx made eye contact when he brushed past Paxon, who stood waiting for the elevator, but neither spoke.
I closed the door behind us once he stepped inside.
“Can I get you anything?” I asked him like I’d asked Paxon.
“A glass of wine if you have it.”
I held up two bottles, and Lynx pointed to the red. I handed him a glass and motioned to the sofa. When I sat beside him, he stretched his arm out behind me.
“It’s after midnight. You’ve had a long day,” he said, brushing his fingertips along my shoulder.
“I won’t be able to sleep until you tell me what’s going on. That’s if you’re permitted to.”
When he sighed and scrubbed his face with his hand, I stood.
“Wait.” He grasped my wrist, and I sat back down. “As you’re aware, Saint’s mission, as well as Irish’s, is highly classified.”
“Right. Sorry. Paxon.”
“Not an assistant analyst, an agent. Someone who has worked in my midst, with whom I shared my opinions and beliefs. Who in turn will likely use them against me.” I hated being deceived, especially when so much of my work involved interacting with high-ranking government officials. Why hadn’t the CIA, or even my own boss, trusted me not to divulge the identity of the undercover agent? It was something they’d have to do now.
He ran his finger down the side of my face. “You’re feeling betrayed.” Again, I found myself wondering how the man was seemingly able to read my thoughts.
“Tell me what you can about Tommy.”
“He was here undercover, essentially on Dr. Benjamin’s detail. But for other reasons too. I’m here because he’s been out of contact for over two weeks.”
“What’s different tonight? If you’re here because he’s been out of contact and it’s been two weeks, why was Paxon waiting when we got back?”
“He received word of a brush pass—in this case, agent to agent.”
“Tommy handed something off to another agent?”
“That’s right. Not MI6, CIA.”
Which was logical. If the brush pass had happened between two MI6 agents, Lynx would’ve been contacted rather than Paxon.
“What was it?”
“Information that could lead us to his whereabouts.”