Page 25 of Undercover Agent

“Work with him, Lynx. Use it to your advantage.”

I didn’t have much of a choice, did I? Other than going above Cope’s head, but did I truly have cause?

“By the way,” he said. “I had a conversation earlier with Z. He’ll be expecting your call as well.”

I was a card-carrying spy, and even I was annoyed by this subterfuge.

I rang off my call with Cope and immediately placed one to my boss, Z Alexander, Chief of the U.K.’s Secret Intelligence Service, aka MI6.

“Lynx, I was about to ring you,” he said.

“Second time I’ve heard that this evening. I’ve just finished speaking with Cope.”

“You’re aware of Saint’s brush pass, then?”


“The bloody wanker and his quotes. Why didn’t he say what needed to be said straight out?” Saint had been walking on thin ice with Z before this mission. The only thing standing between him and unemployment was my personal assurance I’d bring him around. I was beginning to wish I hadn’t made that commitment.

“He and Benjamin are in Hong Kong. Shall I assemble a team to go in for them?”

“I’ve decided we should go off the books for this one.”

“I don’t necessarily disagree, but what’s your reasoning?”

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”

I concurred with his Hamlet reference. Everything was not as it seemed.

“Are your concerns within MI6?”

“Not presently.”

“Who are you thinking?”

“Your call, Lynx, but I do have a recommendation.”

“Go on.”

“You’ve worked with Decker Ashford in the past.”

“Many times.” The American was a bloody genius when it came to security technology—aka spyware.

“You know about the new group, then?”

I laughed, of course I did, and Z knew it. My younger brother, Keon, a former MI5 agent, was one of the four founding partners, along with a high-ranking MI6 agent and another MI5 agent.

The aforementioned Ashford had always refused to do more than freelance contracting work. I was anxious to ask what had made him change his mind about becoming a permanent part of this particular team.

In any event, while this was a big op for a new team, collectively they were hardly unseasoned recruits.

“I’ll ring them.”

“Glad you agree, Lynx,” Z said as if I’d had a choice.