Page 63 of Reaper

Ace’s cell rings about ten minutes later. “Get ready,” he says to me. “This shit’s about to end."

The sound of a loud boom fills the air. I turn and see Jacobson's tower start to fall, flames flickering along the outer walls. The truck rocks forward with the force.

"Christ," I groan as I try to keep Esme still. "What the fuck did he use? All the fuckin' C4 we have?"

Ace chuckles. "Knowin' Shadow, probably." He sobers immediately. "How is she?"

"She's still unconscious, but she's alive. I'm goin' to tear that cunt apart, Ace. I'm goin' to make him scream for mercy."

He nods. "You won’t give it to him, brother. I know you. I know you have somethin' ruthless planned for him and I can't wait to see what the fuck it is. That asshole deserves what's comin' to him and so fuckin' much more."

"Is Ef workin'?" I ask, hoping she is. She can help.

"Not today, but her friend, Sarah, is. She's waitin' for us."

"Good." I close my eyes, feeling the soft beat of Esme's pulse against my finger.

I love her. I can't lose her.

I understand why people lose themselves when someone they love dies. I get it. I fucking get it. I'd be a shell of who I am. I wouldn't survive without her. Without her, I’m in perpetual darkness. She’s my sun. My happiness. My fucking everything.



"Mr. Duggan," the doctor says as he approaches us, his gaze sweeping over every brother and old lady here. He doesn't have an outward reaction, unlike most people when they see over twenty people crowding their waiting room, most of them big, burly bikers.

I get to my feet. "Is she awake?" I ask, needing to know that she's finally conscious, that she's doing okay.

"She was briefly, but the pain she's in is substantial. She needs time to heal. We need to do surgery on her jaw as well as her kneecap."

"What's wrong with her, Doc?" I ask, needing him to fucking spell it out to me.

"Ms. Greene has a broken jaw and nose, her kneecap is completely shattered, and she's got lacerations on the top of her thighs. From what you've said about her injuries, along with what we've found, it seems she was beaten with a cane."

Fucking cunt. I'm going to fucking make him bleed.

"Her back is bruised, as is her tailbone. She has deep cuts and grazes on her back from where she was dragged from her car. It's going to take a while for Esme to recover from the injuries she's sustained. We're talking months, Mr. Duggan. It's not going to be easy for her."

"Whatever it takes, we'll make sure that she's okay and heals."

I won't let her go through it alone. Fuck that. I'll be holding her hand the entire time.

"Having a strong support system is what's going to help her."

I nod. She has that in abundance. "Can I see her before she goes into surgery?" I ask. I need to see her once before she goes into surgery. Once I've seen her, I'm going to go visit with Jacobson. I want that cunt dead before she wakes up.

"Of course," the doctor replies with a sharp nod. "But it'll have to be brief."

I follow the doctor to the room where they were working on Esme, and the moment the doctor opens the door, my breath is taken from me. Christ, she's so fucking bruised. She's still by far the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, but fuck... The rage that is burning inside of me intensifies. I'm going to enjoy making that cunt bleed. I'm going to enjoy watching as he suffers in the most horrific ways possible.

She's so still, just as she was in the car. She's not moving. I fucking hate it. My woman's smile is bright and can light up even the darkest of places. She's full of vibrance without even trying. To see her so fucking still kills me. The machine shows her steady heartrate. It's the only way I know that she's alive. I need her to be okay. I need her healed and home with me. I can't fucking deal with this.

My feet move toward her bed. It's like I'm walking in a daze, my mind on autopilot. I can't fucking function properly.

"Honey," I whisper as I press a kiss to the cheek the fucker didn't hurt. "You're goin' to be okay. I promise you, Es, you're goin' to be okay. When you come out of surgery, you're never goin' to have to worry about a fuckin' Jacobson hurtin' you ever again."

I press a kiss to her cheek once more. "Love you, Es. I fuckin' love you so much." I turn from the bed, hating how fucking silent the room is, how she's not moving. I'd love nothing more than for her to speak, just to say something. But nothing comes out. I leave her room, hating that I won't be here when she's having her surgery, but I'm doing what needs to be done.