Page 62 of Reaper

Dante empties out the bitch’s purse, finding the keycard to the building. "Let's go," he says, walking past the bitch who's still struggling to breathe. She's fucking dramatic. She should be glad she's not dead yet.

Ace reaches for the whore and lifts her into his arms while Dante, Makenna, and I follow him to the elevator. The anger I have has risen to the surface. There's no fucking way I can push it down. I'm going to enjoy killing everyone who's touched a hair on her head. I'm praying that Esme isn't hurt, that she's fine, but that gnawing in my gut is telling me she's not okay, that she is, in fact, hurt, and I'm going to enjoy punishing whoever the fuck hurt her.

Harry Jacobson is first on my list. I'm going to make him bleed. What happened to his son was just a taster for what he's about to feel.

Dante swipes the keycard in the elevator and punches the button for the penthouse suite. The ride up to the top floor is quiet, the air in the elevator static, everyone waiting for the doors to open so we can get Esme. I reach behind me and pull out my gun, ready for the moment they slide open.

"You good, brother?" Ace asks.

I don't answer him. I'm far fucking from it.

The elevator doors slide open and it's like time stands still. Esme's bound to a chair. She's trembling in fear, and her face is smothered in blood. My heart batters against my chest as I watch that cunt Jacobson smash his cane across her face. A rumble rattles in my throat as I stalk toward him, more than fucking aware that my woman is now slumped in the chair, unmoving.

The fucking bastard raises his cane at me, but I raise my gun, pressing my finger on the trigger. The gun recoils as the bullet flies toward the cunt. It sinks into his arm, causing him to drop the motherfucking cane and howl in pain.

"I've got him," Ace says, his voice low and filled with rage as he takes the gun from my hand. "Go to Esme."

I don't have to be told twice. My feet move quickly as I stride toward her. She's still unmoving, so much fucking blood, so fucking much. Both Dante and Makenna are checking on her. "Makenna," I rasp, unable to take my gaze off the woman I love.

She's so fucking still. Why isn't she moving?

My gaze moves to her chest, and I focus on that. But nothing. I can't see it rise and fall. Is she breathing?

Fuck no.

"She's alive," she says, her Irish accent thicker than it usually is. "God, Reaper, she's got a broken jaw, her knee looks broken, and I think her nose is too."

"We're takin' her to the hospital," I growl, pushing my anger aside. Right now, I need to focus on getting Esme to a doctor. There's so fucking much blood, I can't see her skin anymore.

Dante has cut the bindings from her hands and I'm able to slide my hands beneath her body and lift her into my arms.

"I'll drive," Makenna rasps. "Ace, you got men coming here to bring this asshole away?"

"Yeah. The guys should be arrivin' any minute, and this fucker here is goin' to watch as his place goes up in flames. This shit is gettin' burned to the fuckin' ground, and I'm drivin'. I've got my truck outside."

I nod. "Let's get this shit done," I snap, not wanting to hang around any longer.

"Kenna, make sure you have everythin' you need from the asshole's office. Dante, Mrs. Muka stays here. When this place goes up, she'll be burning to the fuckin' ground with it," Ace says through clenched teeth. "We warned these fuckers what was goin' to happen if they came for us, and today, they finally understand what the fuck happens."

Dante nods and moves toward the bitch who's whimpering in the corner of the room. Makenna and I head toward the elevator, Ace right behind us with a bleeding fucking asshole slung over his shoulder.

Makenna stops off at the offices while Ace and I continue down to the parking lot level, where my brothers are waiting for us.

"Fuck, man," Shadow snarls as he watches me prowl to the truck with a still unconscious Esme in my hands.

"Take this cunt," Ace tells them as he throws Jacobson onto the ground. "When Makenna and Dante are finished, this place is getting torched. Make sure this asshole sees his pride and joy burnin'."

I watch as my brothers all share a wicked grin. It's perfect. It's going to kill Jacobson to watch his precious building fall to the ground. He's not only losing his building, but the money is going to be siphoned out of his account. He's going to lose everything before he dies, and I'm going to enjoy watching as he does.

Ace helps me put Esme into the truck. Thankfully, she's still unconscious. I have a feeling if she weren't, she'd be in a fucking lot of pain. I keep her head on my lap, my fingers on her pulse at her neck. I need to feel the beat of her heart. I need the reassurance that she's alive.

Just as Ace slides into the front seat of the truck, Makenna and Dante emerge from the elevator. "Everything's set," she tells us. "Let's burn this motherfucking place to the ground."

Ace nods and turns to Shadow. "You know what to do. Make sure that cunt is watchin'."

He grins. He's learned a lot from both Pyro and Raptor about how to make things go boom. "Oh, he'll be a fuckin' sobbin' mess when I'm finished with this place."

Ace pulls out of the parking lot, and I glance down at my woman. I've just found her. I’m not fucking losing her. No fucking way. I can’t.