Page 52 of Reaper

"The shop," I say through gritted teeth. "They'll target the auto shop. Fuck."

"Go," Makenna says as she rises to her feet. "Go and kill every single one of those assholes."

Both Ace and I pause. We can't leave her alone. Fuck, neither of us would ever forgive ourselves if anything happened to her.

"I have a few men with me right now. I'll be safe," she tells us as she watches us carefully. "Go, I'll be fine. Unfortunately, I don't have any men I can spare to send to you. They'll never get to you in time."

"We'll go," Ace says. "We'll make sure that you are safely gone before we leave."

Makenna is right about having men with her, though I have a feeling the five men she has guarding her aren't her idea. She no doubt balked at the thought of having that many men protect her while the rest of them are going off to kill someone.

Ace and I ensure that the clubhouse is locked down and the prospects make sure the women and children who are inside are safe and that they know to not let anyone past the gates unless it's a patched member. I make sure Serenity—who has today off work—has Tyson before I leave. I can't leave without ensuring the boy is safe.

It takes us twenty minutes to get to the auto store, and when we arrive, it's quiet. Some of the brothers are here working, others are running errands for the prez.

"What you doin' back here?" Preach asks as we stride through the forecourt. "Thought you went to the clubhouse?"

"I did. Now I'm here," I say with a smirk. "But, brother, be on alert. Jacobson has started his revenge and he's targeted Makenna. We're next."

Preach's eyebrows furrow together. "You think they're gonna come here?" he asks.

"Yeah. We have the clubhouse locked down. No one goes in unless they’re a patched member. Seri has Tyson, brother. She's goin' to ensure that he's safe. You know that."

I watch as he releases a hard breath. "Fuck," he says, running his hands over his face. "Thanks, brother."

I shake my head. "Don't worry about it. It's now a fuckin' waitin' game. We don't know when they'll come, but we know they will."

He nods. "Thank fuck the majority of the custom rides have been collected. We only have two left to be picked up, both of which are due to be done today."

Ace strolls over to us. "They done, Preach? They ready for collectin'?"

"Yeah, Prez, they're ready to go. Want me to call their owners and get them to collect them?"

"Call them, but don't have them collect them here. Have Cage and Rush make the drop offs. If we can get them off our property and then there's a shootout, we're not liable for payin' out thousands of dollars to fix bikes again."

"On it," he says as he moves toward the office.

"You got that feelin’?" he asks me.

I don't have to ask which feeling he's talking about. I know. "Yep." They're coming. Those assholes are on their way. I feel that in my fucking gut. "I need to make a call. I won't be long."

I move away from Ace and dial a number I never thought I'd have to use.

"Yo, what's up, man? You good?" Malice answers.

"Need a favor, bud. Are you busy?" It’s a lot easier to ask that than I had anticipated. Over the past five years, Malice has proven that he's all about helping us and the women of this club. While it started off with us wanting to kill the cunt for what went down with Kinsley, in the end, he was the reason she was alive, and since then, he's been an ally for this club.

"Not right now. What's up?"

"Some shit's gone down and my woman's at work. I need you to make sure she's safe there, Malice. No one fuckin' touches her." I can't help but feel that she's also going to be someone that Jacobson is going to target. If he does, he'd better fucking run and hide, because I'll do even worse to him than I did to his son.

"You know I will. Everythin' good? You need some brothers sent to help?" he asks. He's the president of the Devil Falcons MC, and while the Fury Vipers used to have a close relationship with the club, it changed when the truth about what went down with Kinsley and our previous president came out. Since then, with Malice at the helm, our relationship has once again strengthened.

"If you can spare some brothers, send them to the clubhouse to stand guard. The prospects have it shut down and no one is allowed in other than a patched Viper."

"Is Effie there, brother?" he asks, his voice tight. Effie is his sister. She's also Mayhem's old lady.

"She's not. She's at the hospital workin' today. But Eda, Tavia, Kins, and Seri are."