Page 44 of Reaper

I pull her into my arms and press a kiss to her lips. "I'm goin' to be fine, but, honey, when I get home, we'll be talkin' about what that cunt did to you. Everythin' he did."

She presses her lips together. "Okay," she says softly. "But please be safe, Gray."

"I will," I assure her as I kiss her once again. "Gotta go, but I'll be back later."

She gives me a soft smile. "I'll order us food when you get back."

My heart warms at her words. This is everything and so fucking much more than I could have ever expected. "You do that, honey. I'll be back," I promise her.

She steps backward, letting me go, and I know it was hard for her. But fuck, I'm proud of her. This isn't what she's used to, I get it, but she's accepted everything about me, and this is just another part that she's accepted. Yeah, I've made the right choice. She's mine, and I'm going to do everything I can to keep her safe.

We leave the women in Esme's house, not leaving until we hear the locks engage. Once we do, I'm moving toward my bike.

It's time for Harry Jacobson to realize that he fucked up. This war has just begun.



"Brother," Preacher says once we're parked in the parking lot. "You've got to give us somethin'."

"Today, after Esme finished work, she was accosted in the parking lot. That motherfucker Jacobson put his hands on her. He's left bruises on her body."

Rush nods, creaking his neck, anger entering his eyes. He's pissed. "Then he dies," he says simply, and it's as fucking simple as that.

I never thought I'd ever consider him to be a brother, especially as he's the reason Digger's woman, Octavia, was shot. But I get it. He had no choice. His sister, Ruby, was in danger and he did what he had to do in order to save her. He went to juvie and grew into a man that we not only respect but consider a brother. He became a patched member only weeks ago. He was a prospect before that, and when it came time to vote to have him patched, every brother agreed.

He has a great relationship with Serenity and Esme. In fact, he's closer to those women than Octavia and Digger, the people he came home to when he left juvie. Seri treated him like family the moment he was brought home to the clubhouse and that never changed. I know that he's been with both Es and Seri a lot, talkin' to the women. Whatever the fuck they've said to him has helped him grow into the man he is today.

"This fucker has caused Aunt Es more than enough pain," Cage growls. Much like Rush, he's close to Es. "This ends tonight."

Ace's grin is sadistic. "Fuckin' A. This asshole was told today that Esme Greene was off fucking limits, and he didn’t heed our warnin'. The fucker only has himself to blame. I'm goin' to make a call," he says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cell. He steps backward and makes the call away from us.

We all know he's calling Makenna. He's giving her the heads up about what's about to go down. She deserves to know as they could be the ones to be hit with the repercussions.

"Kenna's sortin' out the security feeds in and around this buildin'. No one is goin' to know we were here."

"Then let's get it done," Preacher grunts. "We end this cunt tonight, and you know the war is startin', right?"

"The war started the moment that cunt went at my woman," I snap.

"Reap's right, Preach. They went after Esme despite knowing she’s ours. They started this war. I get it, we've all got families, brother. We've all got kids. My woman's fuckin' pregnant, so I get it. You're worried. But we fight for our families and Esme is family."

Shadow, Cage, and Rush are nodding in agreement. They're closest to Esme, the younger brothers more so than Shadow. But Seri is Shadow’s, and that means Esme's his too. We're not going to walk away without getting our revenge.

"You're right," Preach says with a sigh. "I didn't mean it like that. Just thinkin' about what's goin' to come next."

Ace slaps him on his back. "We get it. Now, we goin' to get this fucker?"

I nod, slidin' on my gloves. There's no fucking way that I'm going to leave fingerprints. What I'm about to do is going to cause Harry Junior a fucking world of pain, and it's going to be horrendous. I can't fucking wait.

It doesn't take us long to enter the building from the parking lot, especially when we have a whizz kid who's good at all things electronic. I guess it was somethin' he picked up in juvie. Rush is without a doubt one of the best at cracking codes and breaking into places. He manages to get into the electronic keypad that works the elevator within a minute, and all the while he's grinning as praise is heaped on him.

"You did good, brother," I tell him, and he gives me a chin lift. "Don't go tellin' anyone about what happens tonight."

He glares at me. "Don't tell me that," he snaps. "You should probably tell Preach. That man boasts about everythin'."

I laugh because the boy ain't wrong.