Page 12 of Reaper

“Storm, it’s okay. I get it.” I truly do. While yes, he hurt my feelings, the day that I saw him wasn’t exactly the best day for any of us. It was the night after Octavia had gotten shot. We were letting off some steam and Storm was there, glaring at Serenity. She needed to let her hair down, and he was angry, so I stepped in between them, pushing Seri behind me, and Storm turned his anger on me. I get why he did it. I just hate the words that he said.

“No, it ain’t,” he says thickly. “You’ve changed a lot since the last time I saw you,” he says with a snarl. “Dropped at least thirty pounds.”

Ah, now I get why he’s angry. He’s not angry at me, but at himself. He thinks I lost weight because of his words? No, I did so for me. “I also dropped two hundred pounds,” I say with a grin.

He chuckles, just as I knew he would. “Heard you and that douche had broken up. What did he do to you?”

“He was a cheating asshole, but at least I found out before the wedding.”

He nods, still smiling. “Want me to teach him some manners?”

“Why waste your time?” I ask. “I’m done with him and I’m not wasting more energy on him. I don’t want anyone else to either.”

“You’re too damn good for him, Esme.”

“It took me eight years to figure that out, but I got there in the end. What about you, Storm? Any woman in your life?”

His eyes glass over, and he shakes his head. “No, not anymore.”

I reach for his hand and give it a squeeze. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. I can tell that it’s a subject he doesn’t want to discuss, and I respect that. Everyone is entitled to their own secrets, and when they’re ready, they’ll share. Until then, you just pray that they have someone safe they can talk them through with.

“What about you and Reaper?” he asks me, and I release his hand and sit back.

Ah, Reaper. The man is an enigma. He's watching me like a hawk. He did the same at the exhibition last night. I have a feeling that Storm has noted that. I’m still hurt by the way he treated me in the club five years ago, though I shouldn’t be. And I’m not sure why, but I’m drawn to him.

“What about us?” I reply, batting my eyelids and feigning innocence.

The blinding smile Storm has lights up his entire face. He’s gorgeous, but somehow, he doesn’t do anything for me. Not the way Reaper does, and that infuriates me. I don’t want a man. I don’t need one. But damn, why does Reaper make my heart go pitter-patter whenever I see him?

“You know that man hasn’t taken his eyes off you since you sat down? Or that when you touched me, he wanted to kill me?”

I shake my head. “You’re full of shit, Storm. Look, you and Reaper both have something in common. You both were assholes to me when we first met. You took it one step further and pissed me off yesterday, but you apologized, and all is forgiven.”

His eyes dance with humor. “What did Reap do to you, Esme?”

I sit back and fold my arms over my chest. “None of your business,” I say low. It’s stupid to feel hurt by what happened. I shouldn’t have taken it to heart, but I did, and it still stings today.

Storm’s expression sobers instantly. “Look, Esme, I get that you’re comin’ out of a relationship. I’m not sure what else went down when you were in it, but it must have been bad for you to run away. Don’t let that asshole of an ex dictate the rest of your life.” His smile is tight, but his words sound as though he’s speaking from experience. “He’s taken enough from you, Es. You deserve to be happy and so does Reaper.”

“I don’t know him, though, Storm. We’ve met once and it didn’t go well.”

Storm shakes his head. “Trust me, girl, my brother wants you. He’s one of the best men I know, and if you let him in, you’ll see that too.”

I sigh. He’s right. I’ve been closed off for so long, it’s time to let people in. Taking a chance on someone doesn’t make me foolish. It makes me human. And Storm’s right, Harry has taken enough from me. It’s time to move on.

“Thank you,” I say softly. “I hope you can find peace, Storm. Whatever happened with your lady, I truly hope that you can find peace with it and move on. You deserve happiness.”

He flashes me a grin, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I’m glad you think so, Es. I’m sure there are a lot of people who’d disagree with you.”

“Those people aren’t the ones you want in your life. It may be time for you to drop some pounds too.”

He chuckles, and I smile. This is what I wanted. The seriousness of the way our conversation had turned was bringing us both down. Whatever happened with Storm and his woman is in the past, and everyone deserves a second chance, just not with the people they’ve hurt.

“I’ll leave you be,” he tells me as he gets to his feet. “You ever need anything, Es, call me.”

I nod, knowing I’ve made a friend. “Same goes for you, Storm.”

He knocks his knuckles on the table and smirks. “I may just do that.” The sexual implication hangs in the air.