Page 11 of Reaper

Her eyes fill with tears. “I love you,” she whispers. “I really love you.”

I wave my hand, trying to stop my own tears from spilling over. “Come on, let’s get this done and then you’ll be able to go home to your man. I have a feeling he’ll do all sorts of naughty things to you.”

She chuckles, and I’m glad the sadness she had when I spoke about her parents is gone. “You have no idea.”

I sigh. The love that Seri has for Shadow is something I have only dreamed of. What Harry and I had was normal. Plain and boring. I had a dream. I wanted a life like my parents. I got lost in the dream of having kids and being married. I settled, and that’s not something I should have done. I deserve a hell of a lot more than an asshole who can’t keep his cock in his pants and would do anything to put me down. I deserve someone who’ll love me unconditionally and want me for who I am, not someone who turns to me because they’re bored.

I want what everyone around me has. I want that all-consuming love. I just hope that one day, I’ll find a man who will love me that way. Until then, I’m going to live my life to the fullest and enjoy every second of it. I rushed into a relationship before, jumped in with both feet. I thought I loved Harry, but the truth of the matter is, I loved what being with him represented, what I could have when I was with him. I wasn't healing from his betrayal. I was mourning the loss of eight years, and a precious dream I had.

* * *

It’s late by the time Seri and I finish in the museum. She’s nervous for tomorrow, but I have no doubt that she’ll be fine. She’s amazing and loves her job. Tomorrow evening is going to be a hit, and everyone is going to love it.

My cell rings, and I hit answer on my Bluetooth. “Hello?” I answer.

“Esme.” I hear the deep voice of Harry and internally curse myself. I should have checked my cell to see who the hell was calling me. I don’t have the time nor the patience to speak with him. “Please don’t hang up.”

I grit my teeth. “What do you want, Harry? I’ve told you more times than I can count to leave me the hell alone and you won’t. What is it that you want?”

“You,” he says thickly, and I roll my eyes. “Please, baby, give me another chance.”

“I did,” I hiss at him. “I gave you more than one chance. You think that I’m stupid. I gave you a chance after Tiffany, I gave you a chance after Rebecca, and I gave you a chance after Michelle. I’m all out of chances, Harry, and you’re shit out of luck. I don’t want to speak with you, and I don’t want to see you.”

He’s stunned into silence. “You knew about those women?”

No, not really. Those were the women I saw message him, and he acted as though I was delusional, that I was overreacting and jealous. That I was trying to seclude him from his friends and work colleagues. He made me believe I was a crazy bitch who was jealous, when the truth was, I was right to be wary of those women, because he was sleeping with them.

“I knew. You know what I hate the most about you?” I say to him. “That you are so fucking slick and good at lying and manipulating everything that you made me think I was paranoid, that there was something wrong with me. That I wasn’t good enough for you.”

“Oh, baby,” he whispers, his voice soft and caring. It’s the same tone he used when I asked him about those women. He’s good, but I’m not buying into his bullshit any longer.

“But the truth is, Harry, I’m too fucking good for you. I deserve better than a man who lies and cheats constantly. I’m a forgiving person. I’d do anything for the people I love. But that’s no longer you.”

It feels so fucking good to finally get that off my chest.

“Please don’t throw away what we had, Esme. Please,” he pleads with me.

I’m done with this conversation. “It wasn’t me who threw it away, Harry. You did that all on your own. Maybe you’ll learn from this and the next girl you date won’t have to go through the same bullshit that I did.” I take a deep breath. “It’s over, Harry. I don’t trust you, I don’t love you, and I no longer want to see you. Don’t call me again.” I hit end on the call and release a shaky breath.

It needed to be said. It was harsh, but it was true. I just hope that he listens to me and leaves me alone. But there’s a feeling in my gut that says this is far from over.




Iwring my hands together as I sit in the corner of the clubhouse. My heart is pounding, and I feel disorientated. This wasn’t supposed to happen. My girl had the best night of her life and now she’s in the hospital. I hate that those assholes hurt her again. But she’s on her way home and she’s okay. That’s all I can think about right now. She’s okay and she’s on her way home.

“Hey,” Storm says as he comes to take a seat beside me. “She’s okay,” he assures me. “She’s with Shadow.”

I nod, unable to say anything right now. I’m not sure if I could. My mouth feels dry and heavy.

“I’m sorry. I owe you an apology,” he tells me, and I raise my gaze to his. “I shouldn’t have said what I did.’

I can’t help the smile that forms at his words. Does he remember what he said, or did someone tell him? “What did you say?”

He shakes his head. “I called you a bitch. I also said you were an ugly bitch.” His lips twist, and shame pours into his eyes. “I shouldn’t have said it.”