I didn’t knowwhat to say to her right now, so a reply would have to wait. I couldn’t risk saying the wrong thing. More pressing matters needed to come first, and I needed to move quickly.



Agitation thrummed through my limbs. I needed to move.

I headed out and stalked the streets as I waited for Gabriel to respond. His whole drop-a-conversation-without-another-word habit was one of many things about the man that drove me crazy.

Going nowhere in particular, I texted the WTW crew.

Me: I texted him about the kiss pic

Juno: ?????? It is seriously the sweetest thing ever

Morgan: Is he happy with the engagement

Me: Idk. He’s ghosting me again

Morgan: You didn’t send him another penis, did you?

Me: …

Morgan: It’s fine. I’m sure that’s not the problem

Morgan: It’s probably the social anxiety, fear of the attention that allllll the likes and comments are sending in his direction

Maybe.That could be it, right? He could be completely shutting down because he hated people knowing his private business. Then someone took a picture of a private moment and made it public, without his knowledge or permission.

But also, I thought we looked pretty cute. If anything, he should be thanking me. My whole job was to make him look good in public, which I did. And then he just stopped talking to me.Again.

Me: It’s super frustrating

Me: I hate being ignored

Morgan: You’re the most unignorable person ever

Morgan: Sorry, GTG. Actor drama

Me: Kick him in the face for me

Morgan: <3

She wouldn’t dreamof it. She’d smile and nod and do all the polite things. I couldn’t handle that kind of thing, but she rocked it. And I knew after all of the headaches, she was doing what she loved and she was happy.

Juno: Come to my place, Lay. Chester’s sick and I could use your help if you’re free

Juno: You can dump all the juicy details on me, and I’ll bash that smoking hot jerkface with you

Juno: There’s cupcakes in it, too, if that helps


A few minutes later,one more text came through.

Chester: I’m sick

Juno promisedto make him some soup. I sent a feel-better-soon note in response. It was unfortunate for me that I didn’t have Morgan’s car anymore, even though I was super grateful she’d let me borrow it before. I really needed to get one of my own. I took the subway, then walked the rest of the way to Juno’s apartment.