“I’m not staring,” I said. My mind whirled with the revelation she’d shared. Layana slept on a stink sofa? “We’re conversing. I’m offering the appropriate level of eye contact.”

“Well, my eyes are up here.” She pointed at her face.

I’d been looking her in the eye the entire time. I ran my hands through my hair and looked away, but not before catching a glimpse of her grin.

Frustrated, I pulled on my shirt, shoved on my shoes, and left the room.

I called Pamela.

“Where are you?” she asked.

“Stuck in whichever circle of hell is filled with other people because you told me to come here.” Every circle was probably all filled with other people. A small shiver carried up my spine.

“You didn’t make it out before the avalanche? I’d hoped—” Pamela sighed. “Minimizing contact with the Biotabloom people will be difficult if you’re trapped in the same building.”


Minimizing contact with Layana would be significantly more difficult.

“Find out if there are any private companies that can assist with the road clearing,” I said. “Cost isn’t a factor.”

“I’m on it.”

“Hurry,” I said, even though I knew she’d do everything she could as quickly as possible. Pamela was competent. She was a real asset, one I wished I could keep even after this merger was decided, one way or the other.

“I’ll start right now. Good luck.” With that, she hung up.

I was going to need more than luck to survive.

I wandered down to the lobby, where updates on the snow were on the television. It was the first I had actually seen for myself. The situation was far worse than I could have imagined. The images where the road was supposed to be showed no sign of a passageway at all. They might as well have been showing a field.

It was lucky the lodge hadn’t been buried along with it.

I found a little shop and purchased a set of clothing that was in my size, if not at all my style, along with essential toiletries to tide me over until the situation was resolved.

Then I ate eggs and a whole grain English muffin in the dining area for a little more time to myself.


The jovial voice made my entire body freeze mid-swallow.

A bit of egg lodged itself in my esophagus. I coughed and pounded my chest.

Peter Daniels stepped into view, leaned over, and furrowed his brows with concern. “Need me to do the Heimlich? Never actually tried it. I’ve heard it can break ribs.”

I shook my head no.

“Are you sure? You look a little blue.”

The last thing I wanted was for him to wrap his arms around me and break my bones. I shook my head no as I coughed.

“No you’re not sure? So you want me to do it? Can you stand?”

I turned my entire body in my seat so he couldn’t get behind me.

Finally, the slimy bit of scramble dropped down into my stomach.

“Close one, huh?” Peter smiled and eyed the spot across from me.