I was the one setting the terms, but I was a little afraid I’d be the one to break them. At least I’d saidassumeandtry.That left plenty of wiggle room for screw ups.
“All right, let’s get some pics in before it’s pitch black out. We don’t want it to end up looking like we’re going for a horror vibe.”
He just blinked at me.
“You’re too stiff,” I told him.
He adjusted slightly in his seat, clearly unsure how to be not stiff.
I dug through my bag, and pulled out my battered copy ofThe Great Gatsby.
“Give me your jacket,” I told him.
He stripped it off and handed it to me. I handed him the book, and put his suit jacket on. No reason for both of us to be cold.
But the cool, masculine scent of him washed over me. His jacket smelled like sunbathing on the front of a yacht in the Mediterranean, like being cooled by the sea breeze, wearing freshly washed linen pants, and sipping brandy. It took me away to a happy place that belonged to someone else, and made my brain the ittiest bittiest bit fuzzy.
I cleared my throat. “Now lie down on the bench and pretend to read.”
He lay down, but it looked hecka awkward and not at all like he was actually reading. It wasn’t just his stiffness, either. It was the formal clothes. It was like I wasWeekend At Bernie’s-ing him.
“No one relaxes in a suit,” I told him. “Next time I want you to wear something casual.Not the bee running gear.Do you own any normal clothes?”
“These are normal clothes,” he said, his brows knitting together.
I was doing it again. I was antagonizing him without intending to.
“If you don’t own jeans and a t-shirt, use some of your billions and buy some. Or have one of your minions do it.”
“You think I have minions? As if I’m some kind of tyrant?” He raised a brow, and I could swear there was amusement dancing in his eyes.
“More like a super villain,” I said, not at all meaning it, but unable to help myself.
“Incapable of purchasing or owning normal human clothes?” There was a bite to his words this time, punctuating thenormal humanpart.
“Human? Absolutely. Normal? Not so much,” I said. “No one interesting is normal though, so don’t take that as an insult.”
“I’ll try not to.” A dimple formed on his cheek.Since when did he have dimples?
I raced toward him with my phone to capture the moment.
His eyes grew wide and he popped up on the bench, clearly startled by my charging him like a linebacker.
I sighed, and dropped down onto the bench beside him. “I missed it.”
“Missed what?”
“Your dimple.”
“I don’t have dimples.”
“You only think you don’t because when you look in the mirror you scowl,” I said. Then immediately I regretted it. I was supposed to be behaving, pretending I could be nice.
“I don’t scowl in the mirror.”
“You don’t seem the type who’d smile either,” I said.