I stopped and twisted on my heel to face her. White-hot fury rose in my veins. “Is that what you call images of genitalia?Business correspondence?”

She crossed her arms and tilted her chin up. A defiant grin crossed over her cherry-red lips. “Yep.”

She was impossible. This entire situation was destined for failure, sooner rather than later. “This was a mistake.”

She dropped her arms and her smile. “You saw the post. Or your people did. We both know that’s why you agreed to see me again. No matter how mismatched and explosive this is”—she gestured between us—“it works.”

I took a moment to breathe.

That was more or less what Pamela had told me. Whatever trials I needed to endure to fix my image, I needed to suffer through. I needed to let my ego go and endure Layana Hartley. It was only for a limited time. In three weeks, the merger would be secured and I would never have to see her again.

I turned back around and forced myself to keep walking. “Not much farther.”

She skipped up beside me and matched my stride.

I didn’t look at her.

“You’re not leading me to a secret dungeon out in the dark woods, are you?” Her voice was completely conversational, lacking the levity her accusation deserved.

“Why would you say something like that?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

I gritted my teeth. “Of course I’m not. I do not have a dungeon of any kind.”

“What a shame.”

I snapped my gaze to her.

Moonlight illuminated the crinkles beside her laughing eyes, and highlighted the soft curve of her full lips.

“I imagined with such a cold exterior, you were the type to keep an exciting sex dungeon,” she said. “Nowthosepics would have gotten you some serious social clout.”

Her smile turned more tentative than before, almost beseeching. Was this meant to be a joke? Was this an ill attempt to lighten the mood?

“If I had a sex dungeon, which I don’t, I’d never allow it to be shown on social media,” I said. “Cameras and cellular devices would need to be left at the door.”

She whispered, “Now I kinda think you do have a sex dungeon.”

She fluttered her lashes, and I couldn’t help the quickening of my heart in response.

As much frustration as she caused me, these tiny moments made me feel something entirely different— something unexplained and not entirely unpleasant. As quickly as the thought had struck, I pushed it away.

“Sorry to disappoint, but I donothave a dungeon,” I said. “We’re here.”

My proclamation came before the gardens were in view.

Sparse solar lamps illuminated my favorite place on the property. I watched Layana’s expression as she took it all in, finding little reaction.

“There are tomatoes over here in the summer.” I pointed. “In the next row, cabbages, radishes, and collard greens. I’m experimenting with lettuce. The spinach in particular is thriving.”

“That’s a lot of plants,” she said.

“You mentioned this photography session taking place in my garden. This is my garden.”

She just blinked at me. “I meant flowers.”

Flowers? Why? “Few flowers bloom in the winter. For my purposes, beyond what’s required for attracting bees, they’re useless all year round. I choose to nurture plants with value.”