“He passed the not-a-serial-killer test?” I asked.

“With flying colors.”

We said our goodbyes, and Morgan left. Which left me thinking that the next time Gabriel and I were together, we’d be alone. No buffer. No safety rails. The prospect made my stomach flutter and my heart skip a beat—in horrified disgust, clearly, because there’d be no Morgan to share isn’t-this-guy-the-worst looks with.

“How’s your end of the bargain going?” Dani’s voice ripped me out of my head and grounded me.

I’d forgotten she was still here.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Right. Good.” She winked in an exaggerated manner. Twice. “Same. I don’t know what we’re talking about either.”

“We’re not talking about anything,” I said.

“Of course.” She winked again. Then she left, too.


When it was time to go, I handed off the keys to Edwardo. Then at home, I strolled right through the front of the building and slid an envelope with my rent check under the door to Maxim’s apartment. I had to guess what I owed since he’d basically robbed me for a chunk of it. Then I went back around the outside of the building and climbed my ladder.

Maxim wasn’t lurking anywhere in my private space—I checked every corner twice to be sure—so I settled down onto my stink sofa for a rest.

As soon as my eyes snapped shut, my phone buzzed with a new text. I couldn’t check it fast enough.

Sure enough, it was Gabriel.

My whole body buzzed with excitement.

I checked to see what he said.

Gabriel: My house. Seven p.m.

Yasss!I pumped a victorious fist in the air, then settled down and texted Morgan.

Me: I’m stealing your car

Morgan: Sounds exciting. Why exactly?

Me: It’s on

That was vague,but Morgan was my bestie. She’d know what I meant.

Morgan: Go claim your billionaire superhero!

Me: Not until 7, but yes, I will control him and make him want to spend time with me, using some kind of psychological tricks I haven’t figured out yet

Me: If that doesn’t work, I can always make threats

Morgan: You love threats

Me: I so do

Morgan: Don’t scare him off, or you’ll have to find a new muse

Me: Never

I hopedI wouldn’t scare him off. I’d try my best. Excitement bubbled through my veins. I couldn’t wait.