It was too much.

I needed to tell him it was too much.

I needed to thrust my middle finger in his face, reject his gesture, and walk away.

But I needed the money more.

More importantly, if I left now, this arrangement was over. No more fiery interactions that left my brain buzzing with creativity. The well would quickly dry back up, never to refill again. There were no more do-overs.

I shoved the envelope in my messenger bag. “It’s fine.”

Gabriel’s eyes flared, maybe with satisfaction, maybe with something else. I didn’t know, and it didn’t matter.

“We’ll film in front of the fireplace,” I said. “Next time I’ll bring a throw blanket.”

I put up the ring light and set up my phone on the tripod.

Gabriel walked in front of the fireplace and stood there like a mannequin, like a piece of furniture more than the focus of the camera.

“You’re carrying yourself wrong,” I said.

“I’m not even moving,” he said.

“Exactly.”I strolled right up to him and grabbed the tops of his arms. The firm feel of muscle beneath the fabric of his suit jacket made me pause. I took a breath.

This was no different than working on a Glitter Galore video. Pretend he’s your friend and accept that he needs extra help to look natural.

Touching him means nothing.

He tensed beneath my palms, the strength of him undeniable. My entire nervous system went on the fritz.

I tried to shake it off. I pulled my hands away.

“Take off your jacket,” I told him.

He did as I said, stripping the jacket slowly from his shoulders, and set it neatly on the edge of the sofa.

“Pull your tie loose,” I said.

He did that, too, then he ran his hands through his hair like he did before. It was an agitated habit he did whenever he spoke to me. Iwasaffecting him, deeply frustrating him if I had to guess. And I loved it. It gave me a thrill of excitement and power.Why was it so freaking hot to undo him like this?

I cleared my throat at the unwelcome thought and took a step back.

“Better,” I said, without really looking at him.

My heart fluttered in my chest, probably from the power trip. Or maybe we were too close to the fire. It was hot in here and none of this meant anything.

I turned around to give myself a moment of composure and took a step toward the tripod, but Morgan was already there. I’d nearly forgotten she was here with us, which was crazy.

“I’ve got it,” she said. “You go ahead.”

What was the plan here? What was I going to do with him?

Something that would play well on social. Something fun and distracting. Something where we didn’t have to touch.

“Dance challenge,” I said.

“I don’t dance,” Gabriel said.