“What job?”

“Despite your”—I wanted to sayatrocious, but instead, left that part out—“personality, you have a unique ability to endear the general public.”

She nodded, unbothered by my pause. “You’re clearly terrible with people.”

I didn’t understand how she could flip a switch and bring out the charm like she seemed to do so easily on television and when in the company of her fans.

She said, “You have the personality of a wounded raccoon with rabies.”

That was a new one for me. Most people called me a robot.

I continued, “I have a fast-approaching deadline and am in need of assistance from someone with your particular skill set.”

“You need a personality makeover. Or at least the appearance of one.”

“Yes, I need to appear personable. I’m not interested in making any changes, only in procuring evidence that I’m not a robot.”

“Robots don’t come in this shade of surly.” She gestured a hand up and down at me.

Was that meant as a compliment or an insult? More importantly, did she intend to help me?

“I also need someone to speak in my stead at a public event,” I said. “Possibly to accompany me to other appointments as well.”

I waited for her to say something else. She didn’t. She seemed content to stand here in silence indefinitely.

“You still haven’t explained whyyou’rehere,” I said. “What doesinspired to be inspiredmean?”

She flashed a dangerous smile at me, a feral look that made me once again question this possible alliance. Desperation held me still.

“I have my own problem, and torturing myself by being in your company seems to help,” she said. “So I’m taking you up on your job offer, but I’m making the terms.”

I would agree to anything at this point. Keeping my demeanor cool and unaffected, I asked, “What terms?”

“To be decided, mostly. Also, if it turns out I’m wrong, and you’re not the fix to my problem, I quit.”

Easy. Whatever her problem was, I had ample resources to fix it.

I asked, “What else?”

“I want to be paid for every session, in cash, before filming. I’ll talk to my people and text you the details.”

Her people? Did she have an assistant to help her maintain her image? That wasn’t the impression I’d gotten thus far.

She held out her hand. “Give me your phone.”


“Because I’m going to put my number in there, and take yours. Why do you think?”

I handed her my phone. “When can you start? As I said, there is a looming time factor.”

“Today,” she said. “After your work but before mine.”


“I need time to eat first.”

“I’ll provide food.”